Module, AR20023 Architektur- und Designtheorie, Vorlesung

Architectural Exhibition as a Critical Form. From Hermann Muthesius to Rem Koolhaas
Bachelor Level 2 SWS / 3 ECTS
Prof. Dr. Andres Lepik
Exhibitions have internationally influenced the development of architecture since the beginning of the 20th century. Due to their public nature they are an effective form to convey ideas and concepts to a broad public and to change the general perception of architecture. Ranging from the Werkbund exhibition in Cologne to the current Architecture Biennale in Venice, the lecture intends to provide a survey of important milestones of architectural history by means of specific examples. The lecture aims at gaining an understanding of the complex theory and practice of architectural exhibitions as a specific design task by means of comparing analyses.
Kick-off: Thursday, 17.10.2023, 13:15
Time: Thursdays, 13:15–14:45 Uhr
Place: Theresianum 0606
Language: English