Final Review: Seminar "Real Estate Fiction"
Join us on Friday, the 14th of February 2025 at 5:30 pm for the final review of the seminar “Real Estate Fiction” led by Marija Marić as part of the Gender Studies in Architecture Teaching Assignment that will take place at Pavillon 333.
Guest critics: Karianne Fogelberg, Damjan Kokalevski and Anna-Maria Meister
Co-organized by the Chair of History of Architecture and Curatorial Practice
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Ph.D. But Were Afraid to Ask!
Speaker: Dr. Alberto Franchini
In our upcoming PhD Seminar Session, we will host Dr. Alberto Franchini, who will share insights from his PhD experience.
Alberto Franchini has been a research associate at the Chair of Modern Heritage Conservation since February 2024. His research focuses on understanding the user's role in the design and modification of the built heritage. From 2021 to 2023, he was a fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Architecture Museum of TUM. From 2019 to 2021, he was a post-doctoral researcher at the Archive of the Modern (USI), and from 2020 to 2022, he held teaching positions at Milan Polytechnic. He received his PhD in History of Architecture and Urban Planning from the IUAV University of Venice in 2019 with a thesis on Giancarlo De Carlo (awarded the L'ERMA-C Prize and published in 2020).
Date: Wednesday, 11 December 2024
Time: 16:30 - 18:00
Language: Englisch
Place: Seminar Room 0340B
Territorial Food Planning for Sustainable and Just Agri-Food Systems
Sprecher: Dr. José Luis Vicente-Vicente
Dr. José Luis Vicente-Vicente ist Postdoktorand am Spanischen Nationalen Forschungsrat (CSIC). Einen Großteil seiner Forschungskarriere hat er jedoch in Deutschland am Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) verbracht. Sein Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt auf der (Re-)Territorialisierung von Agrar- und Ernährungssystemen. Dr. Vicente-Vicente ist sowohl auf der Produktions- als auch auf der Verbraucherseite tätig. So arbeitet er mit Landwirten an der Entwicklung diversifizierter agroökologischer Systeme und auch an der Verbindung von Verbrauchern und Produzenten durch innovative Systeme wie LebensMittelPunkte und genossenschaftliche Supermärkte in alternativen Lebensmittelnetzwerken. Als Gutachter kooperiert er mit internationalen Organisationen wie dem Zwischenstaatlichen Ausschuss für Klimaänderungen (IPCC) zusammen.
Abstract: The globalised agri-food system plays a key role in the current socio-ecological crisis. Furthermore, this globalised system is highly vulnerable to climatic and logistics shocks. A new agri-food system is, therefore, needed. How can we build a territorialised agri-food system? Deep changes are needed in both, the way we produce and the way we consume. Changing the agricultural landscapes to create highly diversified agricultural systems and creating spaces in the city to (re)connect people with food are key elements for this change. Territorial food planning combines urban, landscape and regional planning to create territorialised agri-food systems following the principles of sustainable and just food systems.
Datum: Mittwoch, den 11. Dezember 2024
Zeit: 11:30 - 12:30 Uhr
Sprache: Englisch
Ort: Raum: 0340B
Comb Sisters
Architecture of a Women’s Collective
Vom 3. - 15. Dezember 2024| Vernissage: 3. Dezember 2024 um 18:00 Uhr
Vom 3. bis 15. Dezember 2024 zeigt das Architekturmuseum der TUM im Pavillon 333 die Ausstellung „Comb Sisters: Architecture of a Women’s Collective“, basierend auf der Forschung der Master-Absolventin Yingjia Tan. Die Ausstellung untersucht die radikale gemeinschaftliche Architektur der Comb Sisters, eines Frauenkollektivs im Kanton-Delta des 19. Jahrhunderts, das Pionierarbeit in weiblicher Autonomie leistete. Zu sehen sind Archivkarten, historische Dokumente und Ergebnisse einer dreimonatigen Feldforschung, darunter Fotos verlassener Gemeinschaftshäuser und Interviews mit der letzten Generation der Comb Sisters. Diese Ausstellung ist eine Erweiterung von Yingjia Tans Masterarbeit, die unter der Betreuung von Prof. Lepik am Lehrstuhl für Architekturgeschichte und kuratorische Praxis der TUM entstand.
Begleitet wird die Ausstellung von folgenden Veranstaltungen:
Vernissage: 3. Dezember 2024, 18:00 Uhr
Parity Jour Fixe: 12. Dezember, 18:00 Uhr
Finissage: 15. Dezember, 15:00 Uhr
Über die Comb Sisters: Im 19. Jahrhundert entschieden sich viele Frauen im Kanton-Delta bewusst dafür, unverheiratet und unabhängig zu bleiben. Durch ihre Arbeit in der Seidenindustrie waren sie wirtschaftlich unabhängig und konnten ihre traditionelle Rolle in Ehe und Familie ablehnen. Stattdessen führten sie das Ritual des „Combing Up“ ein – eine Zeremonie, durch die sie sich als unverheiratete, eigenständige Frauen in einer Gemeinschaft mit anderen Frauen zusammenschlossen.
Die Ausstellung ist kostenlos.
03. – 15. DEZEMBER 2024
Mo-Fr: 14-19 Uhr
Sa-So: 12-18 Uhr
Pavillon 333
auf der Ostseite der Pinakothek der Moderne
Türkenstraße 15
80333 München
How This Tiny Country Feeds the World.
Cowborgs, climate-as-a-service, and other stories of the Dutch countryside
Sprecher: Dr. Víctor Muñoz Sanz TU Delft
Víctor Muñoz Sanz is an assistant professor of urban design at TU Delft, where he conceptualizes, leads, and develops critical research on the architecture and urbanism of the past, present and future of work. He is the author of the book Una Rápida Compañera (2024), and co-editor of Habitat: Ecology Thinking in Architecture (2020), Roadside Picnics: Encounters with the Uncanny (2022), and Automated Landscapes (2023). Víctor qualified as an architect at the School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM, 2006), and holds a master of architecture in urban design, with distinction, from Harvard University Graduate School of Design (2011), and a PhD cum laude in architecture from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (2016).
Abstract: From its celebration as the mirror of the future of food production, Dutch agriculture and farming is under increasing scrutiny. The reliance on fossil fuels and the poor conditions of temporary labour define indoor horticulture, while animal farming is in the political spotlight for its adverse effects on nature, especially in the context of the nitrogen crisis. This presentation shares results from research conducted across the projects Automated Landscapes, Towards a Media Archeology of Indoor Horticulture, and Cowborgs in the Polder project. These endeavours are critically examining the techno-scientific systems entangled with human and more-than-human life in the Dutch countryside, aiming to complicate the understanding of the crisis around its model. Drawing on historical research, document analysis, fieldwork, expert interviews, and architectural drawing, the presentation highlights how genetics, digital technologies, robotics, building technologies, and policy are linked to the modification, damage, remediation and reimagination of Dutch landscapes.
Datum: Mittwoch, den 30. Oktober 2024
Zeit: 11:30 - 12:30 Uhr
Sprache: Englisch
Raum: 0340B
Food & Health: Science & Systems for a Healthy Sustainable Future
… with a perspective on
Food meets Space Nutrition meets Architecture
Sprecher: Dr. Martin Kussmann
Head of Knowledge & Innovation
Kompetenzzentrum für Ernährung (KErn)
Martin Kussmann is Head of Science at the Competence Center for Nutrition and CEO and Founder of Kussmann Biotech GmbH. Trained as a biochemist he has accomplished a 30-years dual corporate/academic career with experience in nutrition, pharma, and biotechnology. Martin Kussmann held professorships at EPF Lausanne, Switzerland; Aarhus University, Denmark; and Auckland University, New Zealand, where he was also Scientific Director of the National Science Programme on Food Innovation. He has co-created and managed four research units and scientifically led three institutions and is an internationally requested multi-lingual author, editor, and lecturer credited with ~200 publications.
Abstract: Humanity in the Anthropocene is facing two enormous challenges: sustainable generation and consumption of energy and food. The green revolution and modern agriculture have written an unprecedented success story: over the last 60 years, the world’s population almost tripled from three to eight billion, yet the still regrettable number of undernourished people remained constant at 800 million. However, this achievement has come at a high price of climate change, biodiversity loss and compromised land and water quality. Hence, “business as usual” is not an option as we are currently consuming approximately 1.5 “earth GDPs” per year.
Food systems lie at the center of solutions to th ese sustainability challenges. Systems science and thinking are therefore emerging in the agricultural, food, nutrition and health sectors. We need integrated healthy and sustainable solutions “from seed to fork” along the value chain from agriculture via raw material processing, food production and retail, food technology, nutrition science and consumer insights. After all, our answers must not only be healthy and sustainable but also affordable, convenient and attractive to be accepted by consumers and eventually make a real difference at scale and on time.
So, where does food meet space and nutrition meet architecture Architecture designs and plans infrastructure where people live, eat, work and travel? These built environments have great impact on human and planetary health as they codetermine quality and availability of food, nutrition and health care. Food meets architecture in kitchens, restaurants, catering supermarkets, farms, as well as food processing and production facilities. These interfaces are of utmost relevance to a highly urbanized world population where the majority lives in metropolitan hubs with many million inhabitants. Both food and architectural solutions must therefore acknowledge these realities and circumstances: for global scale and relevance, we must bring good food into big cities in a sustainable fashion. Architecture furthermore can connect environment and infrastructure: photovoltaics on agriculturally used fields and urban farming are such hybrid models of combined and more sustainable use of energy, natural products, and settlements.
Datum: Mittwoch, den 23. Oktober 2024
Zeit: 11:30 - 12:30 Uhr + Q&A
Sprache: Englisch
Raum: 0340B
Wintersemester 24/ 25: PhD Seminar #2
In diesem Doktorandenseminar werden aktuelle Forschungsthemen und wissenschaftliche Studien im Bereich der Architekturgeschichte und kuratorischen Praxis diskutiert. Dazu präsentieren die Doktoranden des Lehrstuhls ihre Forschung und beteiligen sich an der Diskussion.
Dieser Kurs soll einen flexiblen Rahmen bieten, der die individuelle Forschungsarbeit der Doktoranden unterstützt. Während der ihnen zugewiesenen Seminartermine wird von den Teilnehmern erwartet, dass sie den aktuellen Stand ihrer Forschung präsentieren oder Fragen zu ihrem spezifischen Fachgebiet stellen. Im Anschluss an die Präsentation findet eine Diskussion statt. Darüber hinaus sieht der Kurs Vorträge von wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeitern und Gastkritikern vor, die auch Diskussionen über spezielle wissenschaftliche Methoden beinhalten können.
Mittwoch, 16:30 - 18:15 Uhr
Raum: 0340B
04.12.2024, Natália Correia Brandão PhD cand.
11.12.2024, Guest lecture: Dr. Alberto Franchini
18.12.2024, Bahar Gökçen Kumsar PhD cand.
08.01.2025, Sina Zarei PhD cand.
15.01.2025, Anna Gonchar PhD cand.
22.01.2025, Zeynep Ece Şahin PhD cand.
29.01.2025, Qendresa Ajeti PhD cand.
05.02.2025, Marziyeh Bazyar PhD cand.
Presentation at European Architectural History Network - EAHN 2024 Conference in Athens
Our PhD Candidate Qëndresa Ajeti, participated in the European Architectural History Network - EAHN 2024 Conference in Athens from 19-23 June 2024 with the presentation titled Activism and Heritage Production in Post-socialist Kosovo: The Case of Former Department Store “Germia”
Since the collapse of the Yugoslav socialist state system in the early 1990s, the countries that were once part of it have undergone a complicated process of social, economic and political transformation. The new political scene in Kosovo, has brought the legacy of architecture built during former Yugoslavia to the forefront of an ongoing debate about its valuation and classification as heritage. In recent years, many social movements are playing an important role in shaping cultural identities and narratives for this contentious legacy to the society and political actors in Kosovo, through different tactics of mobilization. This research aims to fill the gap in literature by exploring the implications of social movement involvement in heritage activism, including its impact on identity formation, intergroup relations, and political processes, through the case study “Ish-Germia”(Prishtina). The objective is to explore the evolution of the urban activism over thirty years in the perception of this building, by analysing the heritagisation process of it, where intersect activists, community, political actors and international institutions.
Participation in the International Conference titled Architecture and Coastal Tourism (1960-1980): fragility between Historical Studies and New Scenario at Politecnico di Milano
Our PhD Candidate, Qëndresa Ajeti, participated in the International Conference titled Architecture and Coastal Tourism (1960-1980): fragility between Historical Studies and New Scenario that took place at the Mantova Campus-Politecnico di Milano on 21,22 May 2024. Her presentation is titled Coastal Area of Malinska: From socialist past to western capitalism.
The construction of the Adriatic Highway along the coastline of Former Yugoslavia in 1954 marks an important step of Yugoslav authorities attempt to create a cohesive territory from previously disconnected fragments of coastline. After the breakup with the Soviet Union in 1948 the country was left with a fragile economy, that oriented the authorities towards tourism as a beneficial economic resource and possibility to attract west investments in Yugoslavia. The case study of this research, Malinska, a little town in the island of Krk in Croatia became a successful holiday place during the 70s, that attracted western investments and tourists.
This study aims to explore the shift that happened to this little town through the political and economic changes the country experienced itself, from the socialist past to the western capitalism. A focal point of the study will be Holudovo Palace hotel. The hotel that was once one of the most extravagant and aesthetic touristic complexes in Yugoslavia, that became a ruin and vandalized complex nowadays.
Veranstaltungen bis zum Wintersemester 2024

"On Repair/Green-building: IBA Berlin
84/87 as Live Eco-exhibition"
Jan. 11, 13:15h / Theresianum, Hörsaal 0506

"Venice Biennale 1968-1976: From Protest to Revolution"
Dec. 14, 13:15h / Theresianum, Hörsaal 0506

"A Method of Work: CIAM's exhibitions, 1929-1935"
Nov 16, 13:15h / Theresianum, Hörsaal 0506

"Der Einfluss der architektonischen Gestaltung von informellen Lernräumen auf kollaboratives Problemlösen: Eine Studie am Beispiel des „Weißen Saals“ an der Technischen Universität München"
Erstbetreuerin: Prof. Sarah Hofer, LMU
Ko-Betreuer: Prof. Andres Lepik, TUM
Termin: Mittwoch, 11. Oktober 2023, 12:00 Uhr.
Ort: TUM Stammgelände Zentral, Thierschbau, Seminarraum, 0340B.

Ein Event im Rahmen vom Seminar “Partizipation - Architektur als offener Diskurs” im WS 22/23

25. Oktober 2022
9:00 - 17:45 Uhr, hybrid