Professorship of Architecture and Design
Welcome to the website of the Professorship of Architecture and Design.
Trough the Master Studio we are developing systems for regional value chains in material and construction, with a particular emphasis on their application in architecture. In the Bachelor Studio UNLEARN - 50.93° N, 7.00° E we aim to fundamentally challenge the established paradigms thorough consciously deconstructing traditional thought patterns, urging students to question their own conceptual assumptions. In the Seminar Im Dialog: Architektur und Medizin current challenges as well as the general conditions in the field of health building and health care will be discussed and new planning and care concepts will be identified.
The Professorhsip offers individual Master's Thesis on the topics of Bio-based Materials or Circular & Regional Value Chains.
In May 2025, we will offer a Paludi Malchin Summer School for the students to engage with bioregional design and sustainable construction practices in the context of peatland restoration. We are looking forward to many participants!
Ressources can be borrowed from the Professorship of Architecture and Design.
We look forward to an exchange of knowledge and inspiring conversations.