Final Review: Master Project "The Beauty of Architectural Surfaces"

Termin, Präsentation |

Side elevation, with the courtesy of EUR Spa (Arch. Francesco Innamorati) - Photographic Archive

Invitation to the final review of Master Project "The Beauty of Architectural Surfaces" at the Chair of Conservation-Restoration, Art Technology and Conservation Science:

Establishing new frontiers in aesthetic conventions of a society is one of the most important tasks to be fulfilled by Architects. Beautify cities and rural areas is, here, the desired outcome and architectural surfaces play a strong rule in this.
The beauty of architectural surfaces can change the face of cities, enhance a degraded area, revitalize and reactivate abandoned ruins in our memories. In this light, it is crucial to watch at our past for progressing our present and reinventing our future.
Knowing the past means to investigate architectural surfaces "beyond their appearance" and “inside supporting layers” and their desired and undesired ending outcomes.
Only the understanding of their manufacturing processes will provide us with the freedom of "revisiting" surfaces and "reinventing" their role in a novel idea of reuse and colors.
For this semester, the case study of E.U.R. district in Rome (Italy) has been chosen. Therefore, the topic of a Troublesome Inheritance was deeply debated with respect to Architectural works coming from the XX century. The example of the "Palazzo Ristorante" by Arch. Ettore Rossi has been used as illustrative case study.
The reworking and manipulation of historical surfaces following World War II was studied concentrating on marble surfaces, aluminum profiles and structural glass.
A study on possible redevelopment strategies especially for (i) the main facade; (ii) the peristyle, along with its (iii) external patio; (iv) the missing staircases and (v) the inner pillars was conducted.  Further, the issue of the repurposing of the roof terrace, along with a possible strategy for the reuse of the „Palazzo Ristorante“ as a whole was addressed.

Guest critic: 

Prof. Arch. Giovanni Carbonara at University of Roma, La Sapienza 
Carbonara is emeritus Director (1995 – 2013) of the Post-Graduate School for the Study and Restoration of Monuments at La Sapienza University of Rome. Since 1980, he is full Professor in Conservation-Restoration of heritage buildings and he is known for his Theory of Restoration referred to us Scuola Romana del Restauro Architettonico.
He has been engaged with ICCROM for nearly 50 years. He has collaborated on teaching and training activities as well as contributing to conferences and publications. 
He has supervised, either directly or as a consultant, numerous restoration works, including the Arch of Augustus and the Roman walls of Fano (Pesaro and Urbino), the early Christian church of S. Stefano Rotondo in Rome, the facades of Palazzo Montecitorio (17th-19th century) and other site of the Chamber of Deputies in Rome (Santa Maria sopra Minerva complex, facades facing Via del Seminario and Piazza San Macuto). He is the author of numerous studies on the history of architecture and restoration. 
In 1993, he was appointed Academic of the Pontifical Academy of Fine Arts and Lettere dei Virtuosi at the Pantheon. He was awarded several prizes all around. Especially, the ICCROM Award (year, 2017)

Prof. Arch. Elisabetta Pallottino at the University of Rome, RomaTre
Pallottino is an architect specialized in the protection of heritage buildings. She is full professor of Conservation-Restoration at the faculty of Architecture Roma Tre and the head of the Master program in conservation-restoration of heritage buildings. She was the pupil of Paolo Marconi. Paolo Marconi (1933-2013) was the first professor of conservation and restoration of heritage buildings in Rome at the faculty of architecture of the University La Sapienza. He is well known for his theory of conservation and restoration of heritage buildings known under the name of Restauro Filologico.

Prof. Arch. Paola Porretta, RomaTre
Architect (2001, Roma Tre), PhD (2007, IUAV), Paola Porretta is currently Associate Professor in Restoration at the Department of Architecture of Roma Tre University, where she teaches in the International 2nd level Masters in Architectural Restoration and Cultures of Heritage and in the PhD in Architecture: innovation and heritage. She carries on research activities and design consulting regarding preservation and enhancement of Architectural Heritage and Cultural Landscapes. She has studied the Roman Forum and Imperial Fora archeological landscape built in the 19th and 20th centuries and that of Banditaccia in Cerveteri; her recent interests also include minor architecture (in Greece, China and Rome with particular attention to the Garbatella garden suburb) and the 20th century architecture and landscape (focusing mainly on the Quartiere EUR).
She has presented her studies in local and international conferences. She has also published papers on the same topics as well as the monograph L’invenzione moderna del paesaggio antico dellaBanditaccia (2019).

Arch. Francesco Innamorati, Management EUR Spa - branch Architecture and Maintenance

16.03.2022, 10h

Meeting-ID: 810 4226 0332
Passkey: 378043