Lecture on Roberto Pane

Vortrag |

Extra Lecture - Staging Heritage for Future. Advanced

Watercolors, Roberto Pane © Renata Picone

"Staging Heritage for Future. Advanced" is a lecture series that complements the seminar "Staging Heritage for Future: Conservation and Restoration Theories of the 19th and 20th Century". This is intended to provide in-depth knowledge about specific authors and theorists of the 20th century, with a focus on Roberto Pane (Neapolitan School of Conservation) and Paolo Marconi (Roman School of Conservation). At the same time, an international dialogue between Germany and Italy is to be promoted, paving the way for further international cooperation.

International guests from the University of Naples and the University of Rome will explain the various aspects of the "philological approach" to the conservation of architectural monuments proposed by Marconi and the "theory of creativity" introduced by Roberto Pane.

Two topics will be discussed in this Extra Lecture:

Roberto Pane‘s contribution to the discipline of Conservation in Italy and Europe
Prof. Arch. Renata Picone, Ph.D (The University of Naples Federico II)

Critical restoration in Italy. Recent sperimentation
Prof. Arch. Luigi Veronese, Ph.D (The University of Naples Federico II)

The lecture is organized by the Chair of Conservation-Restoration.

29.07.2022, 9-13h

Oettingenstrasse 15
Seminar Room EG