Lecture Series WATER EVER with Luca Astorri

Vortrag |

with Luca Astorri - AOUMM / Milan

Architect trained in Milan and Lisbon, Luca has extensive hands-on experience in private and public projects, as well as participatory and cooperation projects. He worked at OMA – Office for Metropolitan Architecture and has collaborated with several NGOs in Africa and South America since 2010. He runs his practice AOUMM and co-directs the in-loco program for development projects in Africa with the non-profit social enterprise RISE International. He taught, lectured, and led design workshops at major institutions in Europe, Asia, South America.

The WATER EVER - Lecture Series Architectural Design WS23/24 is part of the series Participation Around the World at the Chair of Architectural Design and Participation.​​​​​​​
The theme this semester is WATER EVER, addressing water challenges through experimental architecture. The le
ctures will explore different topics within the main theme, such as rainwater harvesting, fog harvesting, desalination and collective water.

22.11.2023, 09.45am (registration) - 10.00 am (start) 

online via zoom
Registration Link: https://tum-conf.zoom-x.de/meeting/register/u5Yqc-CsqD4uHtM_S-ErgBl6dJ2B2Hf6Mx_i