Montagsreihe: Felixx

Termin, Vortrag |

MONTAGSREIHE is a hybrid series of lectures at the Department of Architecture of TUM School of Engineering and Design. Next visiting speakers: Felixx

Felixx Landscape Architects and Planners is a Rotterdam-based office for proactive landscape architecture founded in 2014. Felixx believes a better world requires a better organization of our environment. They specialize in addressing urgent global challenges with locally embedded design solutions. Their work has a broad international scope and their projects range from spatial research, landscape transformation strategies and masterplans, to public space and product design. The office is named after Felixx - a fictional character they invented. A modest hero, Felixx travels the world looking for opportunities to realize happy environments.

Their projects are idea and research driven. Comprehensive understanding of the tasks and potentials of existing conditions results in generous concepts for the future of these places. Diverse social and environmental strategies can profitably be connected, by spatial concepts that establish hierarchy and prioritization among them. Felixx creates powerful, collaborative and inclusive environments, by designing spatial stories that generate enthusiasm and commitment with all parties involved.

21.11.2022, 19.30h

Vorhoelzer Forum (5th floor)
Department of Architecture
TUM School of Engineering and Design. 
Arcisstr. 21 
80333 München

Online: Zoom-Registration