Parity Jour Fixe No. 30: Against Separation: Care in / and Built Environment Research

Termin, Diskussion, Diversität |

The next Parity Jour Fixe at the Department of Architecture of the TUM School of Engineering and Design will take place on October 18:

Against Separation: Care in / and Built Environment Research

In a conversation around the centrality of care ethics in contemporary built environment research and practice, the three interlocutors introduce their recent publication projects and weigh in on the specific dynamics between researcher and research subjects, conservation questions, and maintenance within and beyond social interdependencies. They reflect to which extent institutional and built infrastructures can sustain or obstruct acts of care.

With Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi, Torsten Lange & Gabrielle Schaad.

18.10.2023, 7 p.m.

Vorhoelzer Forum 
Department of Architecture | TUM School of Engineering and Design
Arcisstr. 21
80333 München 

+ via Zoom (Code 650 978 1763, PW: Parity)