Staging Heritage for Future. Advanced Lecture on Paolo Marconi

Termin, Vortrag |

"Staging Heritage for Future. Advanced" is a lecture series that complements the seminar "Staging Heritage for Future: Conservation and Restoration Theories of the 19th and 20th Century". This is intended to provide in-depth knowledge about specific authors and theorists of the 20th century, with a focus on Roberto Pane (Neapolitan School of Conservation) and Paolo Marconi (Roman School of Conservation). At the same time, an international dialogue between Germany and Italy is to be promoted, paving the way for further international cooperation. The lecture series will focus on a comparison between the two personalities.

Paolo Marconi with Master‘s students at Palazzo Falconieri (Photo: Elisabetta Pallottino).

International guests from the University of Naples and the University of Rome will explain the various aspects of the "philological approach" to the conservation of architectural monuments proposed by Marconi and the "theory of creativity" introduced by Roberto Pane. 

Invited Guests: Prof. Arch. Elisabetta Pallottino, Prof. Arch. Michele Zampilli, Prof. Arch. Francesca Geremia, Prof. Arch. Paola Porretta
Organization: Chair of Conservation-Restoration, Prof. Thomas Danzl and Dr. Roberta Fonti

Paolo Marconi’s book 'The Recovery of Beauty' (Il Recupero della Bellezza) opens with an emblematic quote from Kundera: "Until some time ago, conservators were those who wanted to preserve the status quo. But suddenly the status quo is in motion and it flows like a treadmill towards modernity. So the conservatives are also moving with it. And true moderns are forced to be anti-modernists”.

Marconi, Paolo, architect, (Rome 1933 - Rome 2013)
After graduating in Architecture in Rome (year, 1958) in 1964, Paolo Marconi was appointed professor of History of Art and History and Theory of Architecture in Palermo. In 1966/67, he became professor of Artistic Literature at the Faculty of Architecture of Rome and then in Architectural Restoration. From 1966 to 1970, he was also appointed architect in chief at the Soprintendenza ai Monumenti di Roma.
As a professor he held the first ordinary chair of Architectural Restoration at the University of Rome La Sapienza. A teaching in which his invaluable experience as a restorer at the Soprintendenza ai Monumenti di Roma converged. He was also a professor of restoration theory and technique at the Archaeological School of Athens and director of the advanced courses in architectural restoration and building, urban and environmental safeguard and the master's degree in restoration at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome Roma Tre. Among other prestigious positions, he was a member of La Academia Nacional De Ciencia in Buenos Aires and a Meritorious Academician of the Accademia di San Luca.
As a professional he carried out countless projects all over Italy, designing and directing restoration works from Sicily (among others, La Zisa with Giuseppe Caronia, Cefalù Cathedral) to Piemonte (in Turin: Teatro Carignano and the Egyptian Museum; in the Reggia di Venaria Reale, the Citroniera and the Grande Scuderia), from Veneto (the Palladian Basilica in Vicenza) to Campania (Castel Sant'Elmo in Naples; the restoration of the Casa delle Nozze d'Argento in Pompei commissioned by the World Monuments Found through the Kress Foundation). Particularly, he designed and directed the restoration works of the Chiostro di Santa Maria della Pace by Bramante, the Tempietto di San Giovanni in Oleo by Borromini, the Church of Santi Luca e Martina by Pietro da Cortona, and the Churches in Piazza del Popolo.
Since 1978, he was co-director of the journal "Ricerche di Storia dell'Arte". He was the author of numerous publications on various topics of architectural restoration including the recent "Il recupero della bellezza" (2005), and "Paolo Marconi. Restoration of Monuments. Cultura, progetti e cantieri 1967-2010", edited by Carolina Marconi, Rome 2012.
In his long and intense career he has carried out design, scientific and didactic activities, with a full integration of the respective fields, from scientific theory to concrete site practice, obtaining various recognitions including the "Medaille d'argent de la restauration" from the Academie d'Architecture in Paris and the "Luigi Tartufari Prize" awarded by the Accademia dei Lincei in June 2013.

18.07.2022, 9 am

Vorhoelzer Forum (5th floor, main campus)
Department of Architecture 
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Arcisstr. 21 
80333 Munich