Advancing construction in existing contexts: Prospects and barriers of 3d printing with mobile robots for building maintenance and repair
Kathrin Dörfler, Gido Dielemans, Stefan Leutenegger, Selen Ercan Jenny, Johannes Pankert, Julius Sustarevas, Lukas Lachmayer, Annika Raatz, Dirk Lowke
Cement and Concrete Research, Volume 186
Fabrication-Aware Design Method and Experimental Assessment of a Segmented Concrete Pedestrian Bridge Using SPI Technology
P. Schneider, S. Dietrich, Ch. Richter, R. Najian Asl, A. Straßer, T. Kränkel, K. Bletzinger, Ch. Gehlen, H. Kloft, P. D’Acunto and K. Dörfler
4th RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication (DC 2024)
Functionally Hybridised Lightweight Concrete Components: Monolithic Building Construction Using Selective Paste Intrusion
E. Krakovská, D. Briels, A. Straßer, T. Kränkel, T. Auer, Ch.Gehlen, P. D’Acunto and K. Dörfler
4th RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication (DC 2024)

Robotic Repair:
In-Place 3D Printing for Repair of Building Components Using a Mobile Robot
G. Dielemans, L. Lachmayer, N.Khader, N. Hack, A. Raatz, and K. Dörfler
In: Construction 3D Printing. 3DcP 2023. Springer Tracts in Additive Manufacturing.

Upscaling earth formworks:
3D printing strategies for material optimised reinforced concrete structures
S. Cutajar, G. Dielemans, E. Krakovska, E. Dorresteijn, I. Mai, D. Lowke, K. Dörfler, E. Lloret-Fritschi
Construction Robotics 8, 3(2024)
Mobile Robotic Brickwork Disassembly for Material Reuse
Begüm Saral, Hanzhi Chen, Stefan Leutenegger, and Kathrin Dörfler
Proceedings of Rob|Arch 2024
2024 (Status: forthcoming)

AMC Collaborative Demonstrators: Validation of Integrated Research Methodologies through Collaborative AMC Prototyping
K. Dörfler, N. Hack, K. Henke, H. Kloft
Technische Universität München, Technische Universität Braunchweig, Additive Manufacturing in Construction AMC TRR 277 (Eds.)
From Additive Manufacturing to Architecture: an explorative design project.
H. Blocksdorf, K. Dörfler, N. Hack, M. Scheible, J. Fleckenstein, A. Niemann, F. Nagler
Technische Universität München, Technische Universität Braunchweig, Additive Manufacturing in Construction AMC TRR 277 (Eds.)
Monolithic AM Façade: Multi-Objective Parametric Design Optimization of Additively Manufactured Insulating Wall Elements
Briels, D.; M. Renz, A. Nouman, A. Straßer, M. Hechtl, M. Dahlenburg, B. Knychalla, P. Sonnleitner, F. Herding,
J. Fleckenstein, E. Krakovská, K. Dörfler and T. Auer
Frontiers in Built Environment - Construction Materials

Revisiting Breuer through Additive Manufacturing: Passive solar-control design strategies for bespoke concrete building envelope elements
Fleckenstein, J.; F. Bertagna, V. Piccioni, M. Fechner, M. Düpree, P. D'Acunto, K. Dörfler
Dokonal, W, Hirschberg, U and Wurzer, G (eds.), Digital Design Reconsidered - Proceedings of the 41st Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2023) - Volume 1, Graz, 20-22 September 2023, pp. 527–538
Tie a knot: human–robot cooperative workflow for assembling wooden structures using rope joints
Mitterberger D., L. Atanasova, K. Dörfler, F. Gramazio & M. Kohler
Construction Robotics 2022

Autonomous sensing and localization of a mobile robot for multi-step additive manufacturing in construction
L. Lachmayer, T. Recker, G. Dielemans, K. Dörfler, and A. Raatz
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIII-B1-2(B1-2022), 453–458.
Die Forschungsinfrastruktur des SFB TRR 277 AMC Additive Fertigung im Bauwesen
Kloft, H.; Dörfler, K.; Bährens, M.; Dielemans, G.; Diller, J.; Dörrie, R.; Gantner, S.; Hensel, J.; Keune, A.; Lowke, D.; Mai, I.; Mainka, J.; Placzek, G.; Saile, B.; Scharf-Wildenhain, R.; Schwerdtner, P.; Kock, S.; Siebert, D.; Talke, D.; Wenzler, D.
Bautechnik 99, H. 10, S. 758–773
Collective AR-Assisted Assembly of Interlocking Structures
Atanasova L., B. Saral, E. Krakovska, J. Schmuck, S. Dietrich,
F. Furrer, T. Sandy, P. D'Acunto, K.Dörfler
Design Modelling Symposium Berlin

Digital Design and Fabrication Strategy of a Hybrid Timber-Earth Floor Slab
J. Trummer, M. Schneider, M. Lechner, T. Jarmer, T. Demoulin, G. Landrou, F. Nagler, S. Winter, and K. Dörfler
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Mobile Additive Manufacturing:
A case study of clay formworks for bespoke in situ concrete construction
G. Dielemans, L. Lachmayer, T. Recker, L. Atanasova, C.M. Hechtl, C. Matthäus, A. Raatz, and K. Dörfler
Digital Concrete 2022: Proceedings (Status: published)
Climate Active Bricks:
How robotic fabrication technology can contribute to improving urban microclimates
Fleckenstein, J.; P. Molter, A. Chokhachian and K. Dörfler
Review TUM Department of Architecture #3/2020
Mobile Additive Manufacturing: A robotic system for cooperative on-site construction
Dielemans, G.; K. Dörfler
IROS 2021 Workshop: Robotic Fabrication: Sensing in Additive Construction
Augmented Bricklaying:
Human–machine interaction for in situ assembly of complex brickwork using object-aware augmented reality
Mitterberger, D.; K. Dörfler, T. Sandy, F. Salveridou, M. Hutter, F. Gramazio, and M. Kohler
Construction Robotics 4 (3–4): 151–61.
Structural Stay-in-Place Formwork for Robotic in Situ Fabrication of Non-Standard Concrete Structures:
A Real Scale Architectural Demonstrator
Hack, N.; K. Dörfler, A. Nikolas Walzer, T. Wangler, J. Mata-Falcón, N. Kumar, J. Buchli, W. Kaufmann, R. Flatt, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler
Automation in Construction 115 (March)
Dfab House -
A Comprehensive Demonstrator of Digital Fabrication in Architecture
Graser, K.; M. Baur, A. Apolinarska, K. Dörfler, N. Hack, A. Jipa, E. Lloret-Fritschi, T. Sandy, D. Sanz-Pont, M. Kohler, D. Hall
Fabricate 2020, no. May: 130–39
Robotic AeroCrete –
A novel robotic spraying and surface treatment technology for the production of slender reinforced concrete elements
Taha N.; A. Walzer, J. Ruangjun, T. Bürgin, K. Dörfler, E. Lloret-Fritschi, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler
37th eCAADe + SIGraDi Conference: Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution
Porto, Portugal - 2019
Mobile Robotic Fabrication beyond Factory Conditions:
Case Study Mesh Mould Wall of the DFAB House
Dörfler, K.; N. Hack, T. Sandy, M. Giftthaler, M. Lussi, J. Buchli, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler
Construction Robotics Springer Journals
Buchli, J.; M. Lussi, M. Giftthaler, K. Dörfler, T. Sandy, N. Hack, N. Kumar
Cement and Concrete Research
Elsevier, Amsterdam - 2018
Accurate and Adaptive In Situ Fabrication of an Undulated Wall Using an on-board Visual Sensing System
Lussi, M. T. Sandy, K. Dörfler, N. Hack, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler, J. Buchli
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) - 2018
Mesh Mould:
An On-Site, Robotically Fabricated, Functional Formwork
Hack, N.; T. Wangler, J. Mata-Falcon, K. Dörfler, N. Kumar, N. Walzer, K. Graser, L. Reiter, H. Richner, J. Buchli, W. Kaufmann, R.J. Flatt, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler
Concrete Innovation Conference, Tromsø - 2018
Autonomous repositioning and localization of an In-Situ Fabricator
Sandy, T.; M. Giftthaler, K. Dörfler, M. Kohler, J. Buchli
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) - 2016
Dörfler, K.; T. Sandy, M. Giftthaler, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler, J. Buchli
Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design
Sydney - 2016
Remote Material Deposition:
Exploration of Reciprocal Digital and Material Computational Capacities
Dörfler, K.; R. Rust, F. Rist
What's the Matter: Materiality and Materialism at the Age of Computation
Madrid - 2014
Moderation of Vagueness:
Experiments on the Interconnection between Physical and Digital Processes of Form Generation
Dörfler, K.; R. Rust, F. Rist
GAM.10, Intuition and the Machine. Ed. by TU Graz
Graz Architecture Magazine, Ambra Verlag - 2014
Interlacing -
An Experimental Approach of Integrating Digital and Physical Design Methods
Dörfler, K.; F. Rist, R. Rust
Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design
Vienna - 2012