Earth Additive Manufacturing (EAM)

DFG TRR 277 "Additive Manufacturing in Construction" (AMC)
2024 - 2028

Timber-Earth-Slab (TES)

Fachagentur für Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (FNR)
2023 - 2025

Spatial AI for Cooperative Construction Robotics (SPAICR)

Georg Nemetschek Institute Artificial Intelligence for the Built World (GNI)
2022 - 2026

Climate-Aware Robotic Envelopes (CAE)

Bayrische Forschungsstiftung (BFS) 
2022 - 2025

Human-Robot Cooperative Assembly (HRCA)

TUM Innovation Network CoConstruct
2022 - 2026

Principles of Mobile Robotics for Additive Manufacturing in Construction (MAM)

DFG TRR 277 "Additive Manufacturing in Construction" (AMC), Phase 1
2020 - 2024