Climate-Aware Robotic Envelopes (CAE)


Robotically Fabricated, Site-Specific Building Envelopes for Climate-Resilient Urban Environments

The objectives of this research are to conceptualise and establish a design methodology for climate-resilient building envelopes in urban environments using differentiated geometric configurations informed by climatic simulation using mono-material constructions. This approach entails primarily exploring design strategies for the robotic fabrication of such tailor-made adaptive designs for both in situ and prefabrication scenarios. This research is conducted using an experimental, case study-based methodology based on multiple design iterations on a scaled robotic setup that investigates a) architectural design principles for differentiated geometries for mono-material building envelopes, b) the development of a computational design tool to explore site-specific solutions informed by climate-aware criteria, and c) the exploration and validation using robotic fabrication workflows with varying material systems such as brick assembly or additive manufacturing (AM) processes.


 Funding programme

  • The research is embedded within the interdisciplinary research and development project “Climate Active Envelopes”, funded by the Bayerische Forschungsstiftung (BFS)  (2022-2025) 

 In cooperation with


In association with


  • 2020-2024


Breuer x AM: Functional Hybridization in Concrete Building Envelope Elements through Additive Manufacturing

Fleckenstein, J.; B. Knychalla, D. Briels, A. Baghdadi, G. Placzek, F. Herding, H. Kloft and K. Dörfler
Fabricate 2024: Creating Resourceful Futures, 2024, pp. 196-205 



Revisiting Breuer through Additive Manufacturing: Passive solar-control design strategies for bespoke concrete building envelope elements

Fleckenstein, J.; F. Bertagna, V. Piccioni, M. Fechner, M. Düpree, P. D'Acunto, K. Dörfler
Dokonal, W, Hirschberg, U and Wurzer, G (eds.), Digital Design Reconsidered - Proceedings of the 41st Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2023) - Volume 1, Graz, 20-22 September 2023, pp. 527–538 (Status: published)



From Additive Manufacturing to Architecture: an explorative design project.

H. Blocksdorf, K. Dörfler, N. Hack, M. Scheible, J. Fleckenstein, A. Niemann, F. Nagler
Technische Universität München, Technische Universität Braunchweig, Additive Manufacturing in Construction AMC TRR 277 (Eds.)


Additively Manufactured Urban Multispecies Facades for Building Renovation

Larikova, I; J. Fleckenstein, A. Chokhachian, T. Auer, W. Weisser and K. Dörfler
Journal of Facade Design and Engineering (Status: published)



Climate-Resilient Robotic Facades:
Architectural Strategies to Improve Thermal Comfort in Outdoor Urban Environments using Robotic Assembly

Fleckenstein, J.; PL. Molter, A. Chokhachian and K. Dörfler
Frontiers in Built Environment
Sustainable Design and Construction (Status: published)



Climate Active Bricks:
How robotic fabrication technology can contribute to improving urban microclimates

Fleckenstein, J.; P. Molter, A. Chokhachian and K. Dörfler
Review TUM Department of Architecture #3/2020