Modul Architekturanalyse
Participation, or Architecture as an Open Discourse, 1968-1979
MA und BA Level 4 SWS / 6 Credits, Dr. Alberto Franchini
This seminar will consider 1968 as a turning point in the history of contemporary architecture. The new working class global mobilisation for a new set of values (pluralistic society, global solidarity, direct democracy, questioning established gender identities, anti-authoritarian, anti-patriarchal, anti-racist, anti-consumeristic,…), corroborated with a cultural revolution (Martin Luther King, Malcom X, Herbert Marcuse, French existentialism, Jean Luis Godard, situationist, Frankfurt School, jazz, blues, rock, pop, process art, action painting, kinetic art, pop art, op art, new realism, minimal art, environmental art, Fluxus, Joseph Beuys, COBRA,…), had important repercussions on the architect’s profession, so much so that many to quote began to question the role of the architect within society.
In doing this, many of the most progressive architects of the time, began to work on the definition of new operational tools and in particular on the so-called participation, considered here as the involvement of citizens in the definition of architectural projects.
This is a controversial subject whose outcomes have not yet been studied with sufficient attention and today, more than ever, the need to reflect on these practices in order to better understand their full potential is particularly evident. For instance participation processes can be used as a compensation for the process of disembedding, i.e. uprooting social relations from local contexts and transferring them to indefinite and global spatial-temporal arcs.
The examination performance is in the form of a written paper, which is developed step by step in the course of the semester, and as an oral presentation.
Kick-Off-Meeting: October 20 2022
Time: Thurdays, 9:45 – 13:00
Location: Seminar room 0340 B
Language: English
20 October 2022 - Introduction. Participation in 20th Century Architecture: a Critical Point.
27 October 2022 - Round table discussion: Different Kinds of Participation
3 November 2022 - Round table discussion: Research Methods. With Davide Carnevale, Adjunct Professor in Visual Anthropology, University of Ferrara, Laboratory of Urban Studies
10 November 2022 - Round table discussion: Topicality of Participation. With students from the previous semester
17 November 2022 - Round table discussion: Self-build. With Damjan Kokalevski, Chair of History of Architecture and Curatorial Practice
24 November 2022 - Visit to the Archive
24 November 2022 - Movie screening (18:00 am) “The Tilted Block of Flats. Bergamo, Sun, Kasbah, Chicken Coops and Flowered Terraces" by Alberto Valtellina and Paolo Vitali, with Alberto Valtellina
8 December - Individual and Group Colloquium
15 December 2022 - Midterm presentation. With Davide Carnevale, Adjunct Professor in Visual Anthropology, University of Ferrara, Laboratory of Urban Studies
12 January 2023 - Round-table discussion: Open Work. With Chiara Velicogna, researcher, IUAV
19 January 2023 - Round-table discussion: Colin Ward, DIY Neue Städte und britische Planungskultur(en) in den siebziger Jahren. With Jere Kuzmanic, Università Politecnica de Catalunya
26 January 2023 - Round-table discussion: Incremental architecture and Polyvalence. With Zeynep Ece Sahin Korkan, PhD Candidate, Chair of History of Architecture and Curatorial Practice
2 February 2023 - Final presentation
9 February 2023 - Visit to Marina Tabassum’s Exhibition with Simone Bader, Chair of History of Architecture and Curatorial Practice
O. Stonorov, L. Kahn, You and Your Neighborhood, New York 1944.
P. and P. Goodman, Communitas, Chicago 1947.
N. J. Habraken, Supports. An alternative to mass housing, London 1972 (Orig. ed. 1961).
C. Alexander, Notes on the Synthesis of Form, Cambridge Mass. 1964.
G. De Carlo, La piramide rovesciata, Macerata 2018 (Orig. ed. 1968).
P. Boudon, Lived-in Architecture, Massachusetts 1972 (Orig. ed. 1969).
J. F. C. Turner and R. Fichter, Freedom to Build, New York 1972.
J. F. C. Turner, Housing by People, London-Boston 1976.
R. C. Hatch, The scope of social architecture, New York–London 1984.
You Say You Want a Revolution?, V. Broackes and G. Marsh (eds.), London 2016.
G. Katsiaficas, The Global Imagination of 1968, Oakland 2018.