PhD Candidate
Natália Correia Brandão, M.A (TUM)
Room: 0345
E-Mail: brandao(at)
PhD Candidate in the Chair of Architecture History and Curatorial Studies at the Technische Universität München (2023/current). Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung Doctoral Scholarship holder (2024/current).
Master with honors in Architecture and member of the Project, City and Memory Research Group at the Postgraduate Program of Architecture and Urbanism at the Federal University of Bahia (2020/22) in Brazil.
Worked as Substitute Lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture at the same institution (2021/22). Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism, also at this university, with the highest grade in the Undergraduation Completion Work (2018). During undergraduation, worked as a volunteer on a scientific research initiation by the Pro-Rectory of Extension (2011/13) and as grantee professor assistant in the courses of Technical Drawing I (2013) and Design Studio I (2018); also worked as a professor assistant, during her master degree, in the course of Design Studio I (2021).
Was granted a CAPES scholarship in the Science Without Borders program, when studied at Ball State University - USA (2013/14), during which was invited to be part of the Golden Key International Honor Society (2014) for the high standing academic performance; also a scholarship by CAPES-DS (2021); a DAAD grantee for the Hochschulwinterkurs - Winter Course in German Language and Culture at the University of Leipzig (2022); and grantee of the Goethe-Institut Salvador (2020/22).
Dissertation project:
The architectural archive as a platform between academic and general audiences: The Canadian Centre for Architecture case