Collaborative Design Platform (CDP)
In architecture today, computers are taken for granted. However, the means and application by which computers are current being has become rather fixed into "established" tools and processes. Although the use of computers already has a strong influence in the design today, the process is far from over.
CDP on the Web: http://cdp.ai.ar.tum.de
The Central idea behind the interdisciplinary Research project "CDP | Collaborative Design Plattform", conducted in cooperation with the department of Augmented Reality (Prof. Gudrun Klinker , Ph.D.) and the leibniz supercomputing centre (Prof. Dr. Dieter Kranzlmüller), is to develop an interactive work environment for the conceptual architectural design phases.
The project works to aid architects by combining digital and analog techniques in order to interactively address and analyze issues of urban context in architectural design.
Through small modular systems supported by digital tools, the individual user can access digital applications which allow the interaction between physical and digital models. The aim is to directly connect physical models with interactive digital simulation. Thus bridging the gap between analog and digital worlds.
Research Conducted By:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Petzold, Dr. -Ing. Gerhard Schubert
[Keywords: natural/tangible user interface, multitouch, urban planning, early design stages, design support, gis/citygml, bim/ifc]