UNLEARN - 50.93° N, 7.00° E

Studio UNLEARN defines itself as an experimental space for discourse, aiming to fundamentally challenge the established paradigms of architecture. The premise of this studio is the recognition that architecture, as a discipline, can no longer be understood solely through conventional responses to technical, functional, or aesthetic questions in an increasingly complex and fragmented world. Rather, the current ecological, economic, and social crises demand a radical repositioning of architectural thought and practice. UNLEARN operates at this critical juncture, developing a teaching and learning method that consciously deconstructs traditional thought patterns, urging students to question their own conceptual assumptions.
The didactic approach of UNLEARN is grounded in a dialogical structure, where the focus is not on reproducing solutions, but on formulating critical questions. Architecture, in this context, is not seen as a finished product, but as an ongoing, processual act of "unlearning," requiring participants to break away from familiar patterns and explore new forms of design. This practice demands not only technical and aesthetic knowledge but, more importantly, the ability to engage in open, discursive processes, taking positions and developing creative, unconventional approaches to thinking.
A central focus of this studio is the engagement with the built environment. This approach goes beyond the preservation and transformation of existing structures and promotes a broader consideration of architectural space, prioritizing context, history, and the diverse needs of its users. Sustainability is not viewed merely as a technical parameter but as an integral element of a holistic architectural philosophy—one that encompasses both sensitive renovation and responsible new construction. UNLEARN sharpens the perspective towards what has been overlooked and fosters a sensitivity to the tensions that define architecture as a social, cultural, and ecological construct.
50.93° N, 7.00° E
This methodology is exemplified in the studio's engagement with Cologne’s district of Kalk, where a competition for a new museum becomes a site of investigation into the social and urban transformation of this dynamic area. By employing the principles of "unlearning," the studio probes the complex intersections of architectural design and urban regeneration.
Through the deliberate deconstruction of traditional teaching content—consciously "unlearning" ingrained routines—UNLEARN creates a space where students have the freedom to explore new, forward-thinking forms of building and design. By emphasizing collaborative and transdisciplinary approaches, the studio empowers participants to understand not only the technical aspects of architecture but also the discursive and creative dimensions as keys to innovation. UNLEARN, therefore, represents an architecture that emerges as a question rather than a pre-determined answer—and this openness becomes the foundation of a new architectural practice.
Dilan Vural M.A. TUM (Entwurf, Umbau & Denkmalpflege)
Studio UNLEARN – Final Review & Ausstellung
Unter dem Projekttitel „50.93° N, 7.00° E“ haben 24 Studierende in 12 Arbeiten ihre Entwürfe entwickelt und begleitend in Kurzfilmen reflektiert.
Final Review
Am 6. Februar 2024 präsentieren die Studierenden ihre Arbeiten im Rahmen der abschließenden Prüfungen.
Gastkritiker*innen: Prof Hannelore Deubzer, Deubzer+Rimmel Architekten, Prof. Niklas Fanelsa, Atelier Fanelsa
Ort: Atelier Rosa, Osterwaldstraße 89, 80805 München
Zeit: 10:00–18:00 Uhr
Am 7. und 8. Februar 2024 werden die entstandenen Arbeiten in einer Ausstellung gezeigt.
Ort: Atelier Rosa, Osterwaldstraße 89, 80805 München
Zeit: 12:00–17:00 Uhr
Am 7. Februar 2024 wird die Ausstellung ab 12:00 Uhr eröffnet.
Ort: Atelier Rosa, Osterwaldstraße 89, 80805 München
Unlearn Gathering
Zum gemeinsamen Ausklang des Semesters laden wir am 7. Februar 2024 zu einem Abend jenseits formaler Abschlüsse ein – mit dekonstruiertem Frankfurter Grüner Soße von Dilan Vural, Wein von Martin Schnitzer und Musik von Matthias Faul.
Ort: Pavillon 333, Museumsinsel 1, 80538 München
Zeit: ab 20:00 Uhr
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