Curriculum Comedy Symposium | Day 3 – Parity Jour Fixe Special

Termin, Symposium, Vortrag, Diskussion, Diversität |

This three-day symposium Curriculum Comedy at the Department of Architecture takes the form of a play and sets the stage for conversations about the architecture curriculum. We ask, how do we learn and work together? What are the sources of our Canon, and who does it take into account? What knowledge and experiences are we missing?
Three acts with lectures, workshops, and round tables deal with the learning/unlearning of gender norms and unreflected biases in architecture; work cultures and well-being; and equitable pedagogies in humorous and serious ways.
The symposium is a collaboration with Parity Jour Fixe.

Curriculum Comedy is organized by Meike Schalk (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm/Anna Boyksen Fellow at TUM-Institute for Advanced Study) together with SOFT – School of Transformation (TUM). It is financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Free State of Bavaria under the Excellence Strategy of the Federal Government and the Länder, as well as by the Technical University of Munich – Institute for Advanced Study, and by the Diversity Office of TUM School of Engineering and Design.

Download PDF file with complete program and participants' CVs

PROGRAM DAY 1, Thursday 24.11.22

Pavillon 333 Türkenstrasse 15
Languages: German, English

Act 01
Equitable Pedagogies

17:00 – 20:00

Lecture: Radical Pedagogies by Anna-Maria Meister, TU Darmstadt

Roundtable: Pedagogical Formats & Curriculum Work
TUM: Benedikt Boucsein, Kathrin Dörfler, Chair of Unlearning - SOFT, Matthias Faul, Elif Simge FettahoğluÖzgen, Doris Hallama, Torsten Lange, Uta Leconte, Mark Michaeli TUM and Anna-Maria Meister TU Darmstadt

Moderators: Josiane Schmidt and Meike Schalk


PROGRAM DAY 2, Friday 25.11.22
Vorhoelzer Forum Arcisstrasse 21
Language: English

Act 02
Work Time and Well-being

10:00 – 13:00


Presentations and Debates
with Els Silvrants-Barclay, ETHZ & Petra Van Brabandt, Engagement Arts, ENGAGE D-ARCH report
Sandra Schuster TUM, Work Time Cultures

Barbara-Rosa Siévi, Amelie Pretsch, SOFT


Act 03
(Un)learning Gender, Race, Norms

14:00 – 18:00

Workshops and Conversations
Anna Keune, TUM Educational Sciences, Gender in Learning
Camilla Andersson, Aalto University, Norm-critical Design
Marie-Louise Richards, Kkh, Stockholm, Hyper-visible Invisibility

Moderators: Elena Spatz, Eduarda Poubel, SOFT


PROGRAM DAY 3, Saturday 26.11.22
Vorhoelzer Forum Arcisstrasse 21
Reflections and Projections

10:00 – 12:00
