Final Review of the Bachelor Project ‘Performing Arts School’ at the Professorship of Architecture and Construction.
About the project:
In the rich cultural context of the newly opened Munich 'Volkstheater' - inaugurated in 2021 - our program this semester focuses on developing a School of Performing Arts in close collaboration with the neighboring 'Volkstheater'.
The MucArts has the mission to make the performing arts visible and accessible to a broader and more diverse audience by providing a space where everyone can practice, learn and showcase their talents in an open and inclusive environment, regardless of their background.
The MucArts bridges subculture and classical theatre, functioning as both a cultural and social institution.
Rather than competing with the neighboring 'Volkstheater', the School of Performing Arts will complement it by fostering innovation and experimentation in the performing arts. It will be a place where new forms and approaches can be developed, practiced, and eventually presented - either on the school’s smaller stage or to larger audiences within the ‘Volkstheater’.
Simon Hartmann (HHF, Basel) & Axel Chevroulet (MacIver-Ek Chevroulet, Zürich)
Prof. Thomas Auer & Prof. Pierluigi D'Acunto
Thursday, February 6th
Room 2350
Technical University of Munich
Arcisstraße 21, 80333 Munich