Final Review: Master Project "Designing Experiences: From Strategy to Prototype."

Termin, Präsentation |

Final review of the Master project "Designing Experiences: From Strategy to Prototype" (Design and Transdisciplinarity, Prof. Annette Diefenthaler): 

In this project, students explored experiences that could happen in a future shared space at TUM – the Heizkraftwerk. Participatory design methods and full scale prototypes facilitated research about questions such as:
What does it take for people to feel ownership and respect a common space?
How might we create shared spaces that feel inclusive to those living with neurodiversity?
And what can help mitigate tensions when competing activities (and noise levels) coexist in the same place?

Join us to hear about the process and results of this work.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Room 3328