On Thursday, the 6th of February 2025 at 1:30 pm, the final review of the Master Project by the Chair of Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation (Prof. Udo Weilacher) "Following waterways. "Billepark": a vision for Hamburg" will take place.
About the project:
The nautical side of Hamburg embodies the flair of a continuous construction site related to its Hanseatic character: even though everything keeps actively moving and transforming there are always some corners in which time seems to have been stopped, for instance at the confluence between the Rivers Bille and Elbe, where the Billepark is planned to contribute to the "Sprung über die Elbe" - the jump over the Elbe.
The challenge is a project in a place like this, which tastes of water and steel, noise and mud, and still green.
Caroline Hertel, Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Umwelt, Klima, Energie und Agrarwirtschaft (BUKEA)
Dr. Artan Hysa, Lehrstuhl für Aquatische Systembiologie (TUM)
Thursday, 06.02.2025, 1:30 pm
Room E42
Emil-Ramann-Straße 6
85354 Freising