The workshop led by the Professorship of Digital Fabrication (Prof. Kathrin Dörfler) involved participants in a collaborative and enhanced human-robot design-to-assembly process. In this workflow, humans and robots work joint in synergy. The architectural result of this collaboration is a complex timber structure that could not be achieved by either humans or robots independently.
The ROB|ARCH conference is part of the Association for Robots in Architecture which intends to make robots accessible to the creative industry. The conference explores the transformative impact of robotics on art, research, design, and construction since 2012. Since, robots have developed into vital tools with diverse forms and applications. The conference invites to critically reflect on these advancements within social, political, and environmental contexts, encouraging dialogues among researchers, artists, and thinkers in robotics and beyond.
More information:
Website Professorship of Digital Fabrication
Website ROB|ARCH