Schlusskritik: Bachelor+Masterprojekt "STUDIO Design-Build-Grow lll"

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Schlusskritik des Bachelor- und Masterprojekts "STUDIO Design-Build-Grow lll" an der Professur für Green Technologies in Landscape Architecture

The Design-And-Build Studio at gtla* distinguishes itself through interdisciplinary cooperations to solve fascinating challenges in designing, planning, and implementing Baubotanik structures. It offers students access to the diverse topics like parametric tools and mechanical performances and hand-on activities like prototyping structures involved in living architecture design. In addition, there are always opportunities to contribute to ongoing research projects at the professorship. 

In last years, we have designed and constructed ArborKitchen and Shillong Pavilion together with students in this studio. These projects have drawn both great attention from the media (i.e., films by ZDF and ARTE) and produced fruitful insights into research publications (i.e., Shu. et al. 2021).

This semester, we will experiment a novel strategy for designing Baubotanik structures: we will acquire detailed geometries of largest available trees (ca. 8-10 m high) directly from a cooperating nursery in the form of point clouds by LiDAR scanning and then design practical structures with these trees. The studio aims to produce 5 living structure proposals as part of the pioneer building experimentation field at the campus of TU Munich in Garching or Freising. 

Bei Fragen zur Teilnahme bitte an wenden.

Montag, 05.02.24, 9-13 Uhr 

Raum 1815,
Technische Universität München (TUM) 
Arcisstr. 21 
80333 München