Schlusskritik: Bachelor Projekt "A Beginner’s Mind"

Termin, Präsentation |

Einladung zur Abschlusskritik im Bachelor Projekt "A Beginner’s Mind - Collaborative Spatial Practices on the Fringe" von Gastdozentin Charlotte Lao Schmidt an der Professur für Urban Design:

If you could start tomorrow, how would your spatial practice look like? How would you want to work, with whom and in what kind of space? What type of projects would you want to do and why? How would you get to do them? How would these be financed? How would you build them and with whom? What would you need and where would you start?

This studio has been an invitation to join a roaming, cross-cultural community of practice(s), where the students and a group of practitioners from various places and disciplines temporarily inhabit a virtual environment to learn together. 

The student collective that has been formed during the semester will present their collaborative approach and 7 initial proposals for small, but meaningful spatial interventions for Hasenbergl, in the northern fringe of Munich. 

The proposals are the concrete and tangible result of a series of collaborative work processes: the building of a common repertoire of tools and methods, extensive fieldwork in Hasenbergl, peer-review sessions and the writing of a shared design brief. While developed in teams of 3-4 students, all projects have been nurtured and sharpened within the supportive framework of the collective. Each team tested and invented instruments and formats to connect and learn from local community partners and actors, through  interviews, co-design workshops and 1:1 interventions on the ground. The projects have been conceived with the intention to be realized at a later stage. 

Maria Schlüter,
Community of Practice(s),
Local Community Partners,
Initiatives and Collectives

09.02.2022, 9h

Online, Zoom
Kenncode: beginner