Schlusskritik: Bachelorprojekt "Living on the edge"

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Schlusskritik des Bachelorprojekts "Living on the edge. Parkmeile Trudering" am Lehrstuhl für Städtebau und Wohnungswesen.

In contrast to the dense urban of cities, open spaces are often a valuable, enduring, resilient element in inner cities. Paradigmatic in that respect are the rectangular void of Central Park in Manhattan, the green space of Hyde Park in London, or the vast gravel field of Theresienwiese in Munich. These open spaces are located in the heart of the city and bordered by prominent and impressive buildings.

Munich, along with other cities, is making an effort to establish green strips – called “Parkmeilen.” These open fields should allow linkages, provide opportunities for leisure, sports or gardening. Instead of a strict concept of form giving, these open spaces follow a pragmatic shape, defined by the incidental borders of built areas and leftover spaces between. This is not seen as a critic, but as a chance to establish specific and surprising shapes of open spaces.

Lena Unger

Mon. 17.07.2023, 13:30-17h
Tue. 18.07.2023, 10-17h

Room 2380