Schlusskritik: Masterprojekt "between waterfronts"

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Schlusskritik des Masterprojekts "between waterfronts" - finding a role for second row open spaces of the Überseestadt Bremen am Lehrstuhl für Landschaftsarchitektur und öffentlichen Raum

Due to the structural change in the commercial and industrial sector, which also affects the shipping sector, inland port areas such as the harbor of Bremen are increasingly losing their importance. At the same time, waterfront locations are becoming increasingly interesting for other uses and are among the most sought-after urban and residential locations. Like other comparable cities, the city of Bremen recognized these developments as an opportunity and in 2003 designated one of the largest urban development areas in Europe with the master plan „Überseestadt Bremen“. In the meantime, dense and modern settlement structures have developed, especially along the waterfront. In the second row, however, in less desirable locations, there is still a great need for development. What role can open space play here?

Prof. Dr. Iris Reuther (Senatsbaudirektorin, Freie Hansestadt Bremen)
Prof. Dipl.-Arch. ETH SIA Mark Michaeli (Lehrstuhl für nachhaltige Entwicklung von Stadt und Land)

Montag, 05.02.24, 13:45 Uhr

Raum Nr. O5
Gebäude 4219
Emil-Ramann-Straße 6
Campus Weihenstephan