Schlusskritik: Masterprojekt "The Office of the Future"

Termin, Präsentation |

Schlusskritik des Masterprojekts "The Office of the Future" am Lehrstuhl für Integrated Product Design.

What will the office of the future look like?" This is the question being asked by designers, organisations, and workers across the globe. Over the last semester, the students of our Master’s design studio “Office of the future” developed concepts for a reimagined working world. They explore distant futures where, for example, novel products enable a completely stress-free work environment, and scenarios closer to home where emerging technologies provide support for physical or mental health challenges. 
Join us for our final presentation, have a cold drink, and engage with our visions for the office of the future.

​​​​​​Di. 18.07.2023, 14h

TUM Venture Lab Built Environment