Schlusskritik: Seminar "Airport Region Munich"

Termin, Präsentation |

Der Lehrstuhl für Raumentwicklung lädt zur Schlusskritik des Seminars "Airport Region Munich".

The seminar focuses on new types of functional spaces around airports. Recent topics in urban economic geography, regional development and design, and transport planning are exemplified by the assessment of the Munich Airport region as a driver of spatial development.

In the context of globalisation, urban agglomerations throughout the world are becoming increasingly more connected both virtually and physically. Airports, especially large hub airports, play an increasingly important role in ensuring a speedy flow of people and goods. However, as airports connect cities throughout the world, these gateways to international flows are often grounded in areas outside a city proper. These areas frequently have an uneasy relationship with the airport. The immediate vicinity of an airport seems to bear the negative externalities of noise, pollution and traffic, but also seems left out from sharing the positive externalities associated with economic growth and prosperity. So, what happens in the vicinity of airports? Beyond noise and pollution, what impact does a hub airport have on its context? Where are the positive externalities distributed? What can possibly drive the spatial distribution of positive externalities.

The final presentation will take the form of a simulation game. We will try to model a hypothetical arbitration of relevant stakeholder groups, which deal with the question whether the German government should opt for a ban of short haul flights in Europe.

Mo. 17.07.2023, 15 - 16:30h

Vorhoelzer Forum