Schlusskritik: Seminar "IPD Foundations: Entrepreneurial Product Design"

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Schlusskritik des Seminars "IPD Foundations: Entrepreneurial Product Design" am Lehrstuhl für Integrated Product Design

Have you ever had an idea for a product and wished that you could bring it to life? This semester, our students of the seminar “Foundations of Integrated Product Design” designed and produced an exceptional series of small-batch products that are ready for the market. They explored beauty in simplicity through the design of everyday products like pen holders, clocks, and lamps. The students are guided through an iterative ideation and prototyping process and develop skills in material selection, manufacturing, and entrepreneurship. Join us for our final presentation, have a drink and enjoy the emerged products our students have designed. 

Gastkritiker*innen: Florian Küster, Makerspace

Donnerstag, 01.02.24, 14 Uhr

Raum 2350
Technische Universität München (TUM) 
Arcisstr. 21 
80333 München