Urban Design Coffee Talks #12: Jeannette Kuo

Vortrag, Diskussion |

© Professur für Urban Design

What is Integrated Design in architecture and why is it necessary in our contemporary design context? As the new Professor for Architecture and Construction, Jeannette Kuo will be directing the coursework for the third semester Bachelor studio at TUM under the umbrella title of Integrated Design, a studio in which students will confront the many forces and influences that shape the architectural design process. From the technical to the programmatic demands, from the contextual to the expressive ambitions, the design process is often messy and always polyphonic. These days, it is common for a design team to include a long list of experts in addition to the engineers in a race to control an ever-increasing set of performance goals. How shall we in the academic setting react to this context? What skills should we transmit to students entering the profession? This session of the coffee talks will lay open some of the fundamental questions of how we design and build and what this means in the pedagogical framework of the school.

Structured as a discussion session, this is will not be a traditional lecture format but rather a salon talk where we lay bare our thoughts and processes in a first unplugged exchange. Please join us in person!

06.07.2022, 12h

Seminarraum 3350