A large number of research and development projects are currently in progress at the TUM Department of Architecture. The range of topics extends from architectural informatics and historical building research to contemporary urban and spatial development and the testing of sustainable and resource-saving building techniques. A selection of current research highlights:

Topics & Projects


Car-reduced neighborhoods for a livable city.

Duration: 11.2021-10.2024

Further Research Projects of the Associate Professorship of Urban Design


Development of innovative evaluation methods for sustainable transportation investments.

Duration: 01.2022-12.2024

Further Research Projects of the Chair of Urban Development



Development of Building Information Modeling solutions for project collaboration in the value chain of industrially manufactured timber buildings.

Duration: 08.2019-02.2023

Further Research Projects of the Chair of Architectural Informatics



Development of foundations for a paradigm shift for a circular economy in timber construction.

Duration: 04.2021-03.2023

Further Research Projects of the Chair of Architecture and Timber Construction


Collage - Architektonische Gedankenarbeit

Examination of analog collages for their modes of making and the resulting architectural issues.

Duration: since 2020

Further Research Projects of the Chair for Architectural Design and Conception



CONSTEMO. Recurring Elements of Modern Facades.
Development of a digital archive as a basis for the sustainable preservation and reuse of building components.

Duration: 05.2023-04.2028

Further Research Projects of the Professorship of Recent Building Heritage Conservation


Development of a timber construction building group system for efficient extensions for the rapid and sustainable creation of living space.

Duration: 02.2024-01.2026

Further Research Projects of the Chair of Architecture and Timber Construction

German-colonial architecture

Investigation of local adaptation of building knowledge, involved media, scales, techniques and typologies of colonial architecture.

Duration: since 03.2020

Further Research Projects of the Chair of Theory and History of Architecture, Art and Design

Earth Additive Manufacturing

Development of a novel, earth-based, additive manufacturing process for sustainable construction: Intrusion Earth Additive Manufacturing (IEAM).

Duration: 01.2024-12.2028

Further Research Projects of the Professorship for Digital Fabrication


ECOlogical building enveLOPES: a game-changing design approach for regenerative urban ecosystems

Duration: 04.2021-03.2025

Further Research Projects of the Assistant Professorship of Green Technologies in Landscape Architecture 

Einfach Um-Bauen

Concepts for the robust refurbishment of residential buildings.

Duration: 10.2019-07.2025

Further Research Projects of the Chair of Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design

Historic Concrete Repairs

Dealing with historic concrete repairs. Evaluation and handling of previous repair measures in exposed concrete buildings of the high modern era.

Duration: 02.2024-01.2026

Further Research Projects of the Assistant Professorship of Recent Building Heritage Conservation




Development of a Methodology for Non-Destructive Studies of Wall Paintings in Situ.

Duration: 09.2022-08.2025

Further Research Projects of the Cahir of Conservation-Restoration, Art Technology and Conservation Science




Development of a sustainable, inclusive Neuperlach through collaboration with the community.

Duration: 10.2022-03.2024

Further information on the individual projects


Development of railways stations for green and socially-inclusive cities.

Duration: 07.2023-06.2025

Further Research Projects of the Associate Professorship for Urban Design

studio 1zu1

Investigating the establishment of craft and art research and design in public spaces in teaching.

Duration: since 2017

Further Research Projects of the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Public Space


Development and evaluation of circular timber frame elements.

Duration: 01.2023-12.2025

Further Research Projects of the Chair of Architecture and Timber Construction

Urban Green Systems 4.0

Development of a computational framework for novel Urban Green System design.

Duration: 06.2022-06.2025

Further Research Projects of the Professorship of Green Technologies in Landscape Architecture