Bildquelle: Stadtarchiv München; 0201_FS-NL-RD-0816-B-03
Veranstaltung des Kulturprogramms «1945–2025 Stunde Null? Wie wir wurden, was wir sind»
«Erbaut in einer Zeit großer innerer und äußerer Not», sollte das Bayerische Staatsschauspiel «Freude und Besinnung schenken.» In Vorträgen des Theaterwissenschaftlers Rasmus Cromme (LMU München) und des Architekten und Bauhistorikers Peter Kifinger (TUM-Lehrstuhl für Baugeschichte) wird die gesellschaftspolitische Dimension der Neueröffnung des Residenztheaters im Nachkriegs-München befragt und mit vom Ensemble gelesenen Textausschnitten illustriert.

Internationale Hans Döllgast Tage 2024
Klenze - Döllgast
Führung zum Wiederaufbau der Alten Pinakothek
Freitag, 7. Juni 2024, 12:00-13:00 Uhr
Peter Kifinger im Dialog mit Alexander Fthenakis
Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Internationalen Hans Döllgast Tage 2024
Donnerstag, 6. Juni und Freitag, 7. Juni 2024
Zum 50. Todestag des Architekten Hans Döllgast
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Technische Universität München
Archiv des Architekturmuseums, Dr. Irene Meissner
Lehrstuhl für Entwerfen und Gestalten, Prof. Uta Graff
in Kooperation mit der Bayerischen Akademie der Schönen Künste, Prof. Dr. Winfried Nerdinger
Report of the 51st Conference of the Koldewey Society published
Sur le Grand Tour - Traveling architects as protagonists of the European idea
Report of the Koldewey Society 51: Conference from May 12 to 14, 2021
The anthology contains the 51st report of the Koldewey Society and is published by Thelem Verlag.

Interdisciplinary Colloquium: Call for Papers
"The research on medieval city fortifications in Europe: relations, synergies, symbioses."
The Chair of Building History, Building Archaeolohy and Conservation at the Technical University of Munich is organizing, in cooperation with the Baden-Württemberg State Office for Monument Preservation, a symposium dedicated to the interdisciplinary research of medieval city fortifications.
You can download the Call for Papers (in German language) here.
Koldewey Society - Summer School 2023
Archaeological building research and protection of cultural assets on the Capitol in Rome.
From August 28th to September 5th
Application by July 25, 2023 - Application documents: CV, letter of motivation, recommendation from a university teacher
Arrival August 27th - Departure September 6th
For more information or questions about the Summer School 2023, please visit us at the Chair of Architectural History (Room 2326).

Inaugural Lecture by Professor von Kienlin
New Questions for Old Buildings: The Role of "Classical" Building Archaeology in a Digitized World.
18:00 p.m.
Room 2350

No castle, no Klenze palace, no monastery The building history of Zinneberg Palace near Glonn
19:00 p.m.
Hunting Hall Zinneberg Castle
Zinneberg 3; 85625 Glonn

AJA 2022 - Annual Architecture Exhibition
11.10.2022 to 15.10.2022
The annual architecture exhibition of the TUM School of Engineering and Design is starting its edition this year. Between 12-15 October 2022, various workshops, lectures and activities, as well as an exhibition on the theme of re:connect, re:cycle, re:think and re:build will take place.

Network jewisch cultural heritage
Jewish culture and history are reflected in testimonies, the research and interpretation of which is the goal of various scientific disciplines. Objects of Jewish cultural heritage provide information in many ways about political, social and economic, but also about religious, intellectual and artistic developments up to the present. To systematically document, evaluate and contextualize such objects, bodies of knowledge and traditions, to preserve them and to communicate the knowledge about them to a broad public is a task that can only be successfully and permanently accomplished in an interdisciplinary manner, in international exchange and with the involvement of a wide variety of institutions (universities, museums, preservation of historical monuments, Jewish communities, local and regional initiatives, experts).

Intensive week Regensburg 2022
Work on and in the historic building together with the Chair of Architectural History and the Chair of Fine Arts.

Freiburg and its aftermath. History and construction of Gothic tracery towers.
18:30 p.m.

Norwegian Stave Churches - Building Archaeology on the Oldest Wooden Churches in Europe
Project Dr. Andrij Kutnyi