Cluster Sustainable Real Estate (CSRE)

Part-time Continuing Education Program "Sustainable Real Estate"

Annual Knowledge Update in the Certificate Program

For the implementation of climate-resilient, resource-efficient project and real estate development, there is a great need for expertise across the entire real estate value chain. The Cluster Sustainable Real Estate (CSRE) offers this update in collaboration with the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning (IL³) through a part-time certificate program. The two certificates "Value Creation as a Dialogical Process" and "Transformation to Sustainable Real Estate" methodically and integrally address sustainability criteria and provide students with new knowledge from interdisciplinary perspectives of project, user, and corporate viewpoints, construction technology, digitization, and stakeholder analysis.

The certificate programs are aimed at decision-makers and players in the real estate industry, covering the entire value chain of construction, development, management, and real estate advisory, who will be optimally qualified for the complex tasks in the field of sustainable real estate through the new certificate program.

Participants receive interdisciplinary knowledge based on the latest research and practice, can network and expand their connections, and learn strategies for implementing sustainable real estate projects.

TUM Certificate of Sustainable Real Estate

For the implementation of climate-friendly, resource-efficient project and real estate development, there is a great need for expertise across the entire real estate value chain. The Cluster Sustainable Real Estate (CSRE) offers this update in collaboration with the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning (IL³) through a part-time certificate program. Participants develop methods and strategies for the practical implementation of a sustainable real estate project at both the actor and corporate levels. At the same time, the program provides an overview of the latest analog and digital construction technologies. Students are taught by 25 lecturers, consisting of TUM professors and experts from the real estate industry.

Duration: 6 months, recurring annually, bi-weekly classes | Dates see Agenda
Format: Hybrid learning ("Flipped Classroom") // App Moodle // Case study-based learning

For more information about the program, please refer to our Fact Sheet and Brochure
To register:

Innovative Teaching Formats

The specialized continuing education program for talents in the real estate industry is characterized by innovative teaching formats and management tools. Students are given the opportunity to understand value chains in the real estate sector in a process-oriented, responsible, and innovative manner. The teaching content is delivered in a hybrid manner through both virtual and analog formats. Knowledge transfer is based on real case studies from urban development, real estate, or project development.

After collaborative learning and discussion, the focus shifts to knowledge transfer: in final events and publications, the acquired knowledge in sustainable real estate is disseminated to the public and reflected into practice.

Certificate "Wertschöpfung als dialogischer Prozess" – First Cohort 2022/23

The certificate program "Value Creation: Wertschöpfung als dialogischer Prozess" was held for the first time in the winter semester of 2022/23. The program offers participants interdisciplinary perspectives from project, user, and corporate viewpoints, examining these on various scales. The program content highlights the importance of the dialogical process for the success of sustainable real estate development. The students are taught by 18 lecturers, including TUM professors and experts from the real estate industry.

For more information about the program, please refer to our Fact Sheet  and Brochure

Registration for the certificate is through the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning:

Closing Symposium of the Certificate "Wertschöpfung als dialogischer Prozess"

On March 25, 2023, we celebrated the first cohort of the part-time certificate program "Value Creation: Wertschöpfung als dialogischer Prozess" after an intensive semester. In addition to the presentation and awarding of the best academic performances, the guest lecture by Prof. Elisabeth Endres (TU Braunschweig), who spoke about the "Paradigm Shift in Building – Opportunity of the Challenge", was a highlight of the event.