Ultimaker 2 / 2+ Extended
The Digital Design Lab uses fused deposition modellers for rapid prototyping. These machines build objects by “printing” layers of a heated thermoplastic material. For wider spans and more complex geometries, support structures are necessary. Once a model is finished these supporting structures can be removed with the help of a plier and cutter. We have three Ultimaker 2 and one Ultimaker 2 Extended+ 3d printers in the DDL.
Interested? Please contact us at rp(at)ai.ar.tum.de
The models can achieve a high stability, dependant on the direction of the layers. How visible the layers are can also be regulated by the orientation of the printed layers – curved structures are more “step-like” if the angle is small. The plastic material is durable enough for further modification after printing such as gluing, drilling, sanding, milling and painting.
To generate a 3d pintable model, a watertight CAD model of the volume you wish to print is needed. This model can be created using almost any 3D software. Each individual object must be exported as a STL file and sent to us.
- Each individual object must be exported in a seperate STL file.
- The Models must be exportet in the correct scale in mm.
Please Check:
- The correct Boolean operations are used.
- The scale of the model is correct.
- The STL-mesh has been correctly exported.