The contradiction between todays need for parking space and the awareness that changes in society and mobility culture will make present car parks – at least partly - obsolete, leads to the question on how to design multi storey car parks anticipating these changes. At Technical University of Munich we faced that question with a specific Design Studio on this topic. Designing provides the big chance to search for truly new innovative approaches and to draft future visions. In these studies three-dimensional structures that combine car storage with space for people, animals and plants from the very beginning on were designed. With the change in mobility culture and car use these facilities open up future potentials for a wide range of uses. We ought to read these as big spatial potentials to face challenges like climate change, increasing population numbers and growing cities leading to urban density. The results are hybrid landscape-buildings, which reflect technological, ecological, social changes and are transformative and multi-codiable spaces. They illustrate how a change in care use can increase the quality of life and thus actively contribute to a change in mobility culture. The proposals incorporate time as a factor in their design by thinking in different stages, using new plant techniques that immanently are in process and provide future adapted outdoor space on various scale levels.
Teaching team
Prof. Dr. Ing. Ferdinand Ludwig
Dipl. Ing. Ute Vees
M.A. Isabel Zintl
M.A. Lorenz Boigner