Studio Ecolopes

Master Landscape Architecture Project
The ECOLOPES Studio at gtla* is distinguished by its strong connections to cutting-edge research outcomes. “Ecolope” stands for an ecological building envelope that breaks through the ongoing human-nature dichotomy, shifting from creating “land sparing” to “land sharing”. It is a revolutionary concept for building envelopes, aiming to provide habitats for four types of inhabitants: humans, plants, animals, and microbiota living in the soil.
This studio aims to produce 5 detailed designs using the ECOLOPES design approach for refurbishing the envelope of various building typologies in the Neuperlach neighbourhood of Munich. The design scope refers to the volume beyond the building enclosure structure, extending outward to a certain depth. Students are encouraged to transform this space, which is typically focused on meeting only human needs, into a multi-species habitat that supports both human and non-human life forms. The design proposals will be exhibited in the pavilion at the centre of the neighbourhood, providing the residents of Neuperlach with an impression of the new possibilities for redesigning with ECOLOPES.
We are welcoming students from both master architecture and master landscape architecture to participate in this studio. To make a design proposal for an ecolope, students will be introduced to a systematic design approach based on computational design and informed by modelling the relationships between building structure, abiotic environment, and the different inhabitants considered.
Although the application of the computational design tools will be mainly led by the researchers of the ECOLOPES project, students with experience or interest in some of the following skills are highly recommended to join:
- Computer-aided design (Rhino and Grasshopper);
- Information modelling;
- Data-driven design;
- Computer-aided analysis and simulation;
- Multi-criteria optimization and evaluation.
The ability to work in an interdisciplinary group and an interest in scientific methods is also expected.
Teaching Team
Prof. Ferdinand Ludwig
Sissy Xi Chen, M.A.,
Francesca Mosca (UNIGE), M.A.
Munich, room TBA, Main Campus
Tuesdays, entire day
First date
16.04.2024, 9:00, room TBA
Master Landscape Architecture Project:
LV-Nr.: 0000000984
LV-Nr.: 0000001314 (Continuation)
Registration for project on TUMonline
Registration for project (continuation) on TUMonline