Studio: Illegal trees +

The Studio “Illegal trees +” is based on the Green Typologies seminar of the same name "Illegal trees". The seminar's task is dealt with in parallel in the studio and at the same time extended by a design task.
“Illegal trees” grow so close to a building that they relate the architecture and the open space at a new interface: the architecture is extended by the tree canopy, the building is greened and the outdoor space is redefined by the placement of the trees.
With the help of mapping processes, we will identify and categorise such trees in Munich's urban space, define influencing parameters and their typologies. Then, we will have a closer look at 5 selected cases, and derive patterns regarding the growth process, function, shading or atmospheric effect in the interior as well as in the exterior space. Since there are few purposely built/ planted tree facades in current urban and green planning, in this studio we will do research about trees that accidentally grow close to buildings.
At the same time, we develop a transformation strategy in the studio for the conscious and targeted use of the tree as a "new player" in urban planning and redesign an open space constellation, chosen from the analysis mapping. Through a future-oriented vision, potentials, conflicts, the change of perception and newly emerging atmospheres are to be played through.
The findings of the analysis and the visions of the design are graphically processed and presented with the help of various tools, media and formats. Finally, a 1:100 model of the most interesting case of the analysis will be built to illustrate complex interactions between the tree as part of Urban Green Infrastructure, the building with its façade and foundation and other facilities (i.e., underground pipes, U-Bahn), and on top, a 1:200 model will illustrates the vision of the selected design area.
The tasks of the seminar will be worked on in groups of 3.
Prerequisites (expected knowledge):
Knowledge from lecture & seminar Green Technologies is mandatory. Interest in green architecture topics and graphic methods should be present.
Teaching team
Lisa, Höpfl
Ludwig, Ferdinand
Shu, Qiguan
Yazdi, Hadi
Course language
Course type
BA project 7 for Landscape Architecture students
13 ECTS / 7 SWS
Introduction Presentation
Monday, 17. October at 15.00-16:00 in E42
via TUMonline: Projekt Landschaftsarchitektur 7