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Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Architect BDA Stephan Birk P +49 89 289 25 492 lutz(at)tum.de
Cornelia Lutz-Mastrojanni P +49 89 289 25 492 lutz(at)tum.de
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) / M.Eng. Architect Hubert Anneser P +49 89 289 25498 hubert.anneser(at)tum.de
M.A. Architect Theresa Laura Blömer P +49 89 289 25496 theresa.bloemer(at)tum.de
M.A. Architecture Josef Eglseder P +49 89 289 28369 josef.eglseder(at)tum.de
M.Sc. Architect Jonas Faber P +49 89 289 25497 jonas.faber(at)tum.de
Dipl.-Ing. Architect / M.Eng. Timber Construction Tabea Huth P +49 89 289 25497 tabea.huth(at)tum.de
M.Sc. Architect Katja Jantzen P +49 89 289 25496 katja.jantzen(at)tum.de
M.Sc. Alexander LukasP +49 89 289 25496alexander.lukas(at)tum.de
M.A. Architect Jonas Pauli P +49 89 289 25497 jonas.pauli(at)tum.de
M.A. Architect Regina Pötzinger-Horn P +49 89 289 25496 regina.poetzinger(at)tum.de
Dr.-Ing. Architect Sandra Schuster P +49 89 289 25493 sandra.schuster(at)tum.de
M.Sc. Architecture Jonas Wolf P +49 89 289 25497 jonas.wolf@tum.de