Green Campus
Project MA - Architecture and Timber Construction, winter term 2023/24
The history of the Chair of Sustainable Mobile Propulsion Systems dates back to the 1930s, when it was established in a forest area during the Second World War to develop aircraft and later automobile engines. More recently, there has been a change in the chair from Prof. Georg Wachtmeister (2004-2021) to Prof. Malte Jaensch (since 2021), who now focuses on sustainable mobile propulsion systems.
The campus has seen an increase in student numbers and research activities in recent years and therefore requires structural development and expansion for additional office space, catering, lecture halls, student housing and representative event spaces.
The aim of the Green Campus project in the winter term 2023/2024 is to expand and maintain the TUM Schragenhofstraße 31 location while at the same time allowing for moderate further development while preserving important existing structures.
The students are to develop concepts that provide for a restructuring of the existing buildings, as well as necessary architectural interventions, especially in the area of a new building/extension for common areas, such as refectory/ assembly hall/seminar rooms/lecture halls etc.. The aim is to explore what new ideas of working, researching and studying at this location might look like.
In addition to the functional requirements of the research landscape and the design-dependent complementary use, the design must meet the highest design and construction standards. The requirements of the existing trees must be taken into account (as far as possible).
The focus of the design work is on the new/expansion building and its construction. The building should be designed and constructed using wood as a material. The construction elements can be freely chosen. Prefabrication and assembly with a degree of standardisation and systemisation of the components appropriate to the project are to be taken into account. In interdisciplinary cooperation with two student from the field of architecture and one from the field of civil engineering, concepts for a building in timber/hybrid construction are developed and worked out in detail.
As every year, the Münchener Architekten- und Ingenieur-Verein e.V. (MAIV) awards its sponsorship prize to architectural and civil engineering planning teams at an official awards ceremony.
Kick off:
17.10.2021, 09:30 am - 12:00 pm, Vorhoelzer Forum followed by a site visit
Tabea Huth: tabea.huth(at)tum.de
Theresa Blömer: theresa.bloemer(at)tum.de