Lecture series MA, winter term 2023/ 24, 3 ECTS
The construction sector is a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, waste generation, raw material and energy consumption. Against this backdrop, the construction turnaround represents a demand and a process that relates construction to the climate crisis, planetary boundaries and possible compliance with the 1.5 degree target. However, the construction turnaround can only succeed if it is closely and directly linked to a MATERIALWENDE. On the one hand, the substitution of mineral building materials with natural and secondary building materials is crucial for this, and on the other hand, strategies of sufficiency and resource efficiency to enable the long overdue transformation in the construction industry.
The lecture series "Materialwende" will explain, among other things, the meaning and principles of sustainable action, demonstrate alternatives to the use of mineral building materials, and teach the basics of circular design and construction. The lecture series takes place as a cooperation between the Natural Building Lab (Technical University of Berlin), the Chair of Architecture and Timber Construction (Technical University of Munich) and the Chair of Sustainable Building (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology). This initiative helps to raise awareness of sustainable building methods in order to successfully implement the goals of the building turnaround.
Tuesday, 3:45 - 5:15 pm via Zoom
24.10.23 Prof. Eike Roswag-Klinge (NBL), Impuls / Bauen für die postfossile Gesellschaft
Prof. Dirk E. Hebel (IEB), Impuls / Nachhaltiges Bauen
Prof. Stephan Birk (ATC), Impuls / Bauen mit Holz
31.10.23 Prof. Dirk E. Hebel (IEB), Bedeutung und Historie des Nachhaltigen Handelns
07.11.23 Prof. Dirk E. Hebel (IEB), Ökologische Prinzipien des Nachhaltigen Handelns
14.11.23 Prof. Eike Roswag-Klinge (NBL), Lehmbau Grundlagen
Rohmaterial, Eigenschaften, Geschichte, etc.
21.11.23 Prof. Eike Roswag-Klinge (NBL), Lehmbau Anwendung
Techniken, Produkte, etc.
28.11.23 Dr. Sandra Schuster (ATC), Ressource Holz
Waldentwicklung, Verfügbarkeit, Rohstoff, Baustoff, Nadel- und Laubholz etc.
05.12.23 Prof. Stephan Birk (ATC), Holzbau – Status Quo und Potenziale
12.12.23 Prof. Stephan Birk (ATC), Naturdämmstoffe
Wandaufbauten, Regelwerk, Zellulose, Hanf, Stroh, Schafswolle etc.
19.12.23 Prof. Eike Roswag-Klinge / Dr. Nina Pawlicki (NBL), Begrünung und Biodiversität
09.01.24 Prof. Dirk E. Hebel (IEB), Das anthropogene Lager als neue Ressource des Nachhaltigen Bauens
16.01.24 Prof. Dirk E. Hebel (IEB), Kreislaufgerechtes Konstruieren -
Anregungen zum Nachhaltigen Handeln
23.01.24 Prof. Stephan Birk / Dr. Sandra Schuster (ATC), Ressourceneffizienz und Zirkularität im Holzbau
30.01.24 Dr. Nina Pawlicki (NBL), Reallabore mit Schwerpunkt kreislauffähiges Bauen
06.02.24 Wrap Up und Feedback, Gesprächsrunde mit Lehrenden und Studierenden
mit Prof. Stephan Birk, Prof. Dirk E. Hebel, Dr. Nina Pawlicki,
Prof. Eike Roswag-Klinge, Dr. Sandra Schuster
Written online exam:
Online lecture:
Vorlesung live via ZOOM (Link über Moodle)
Jonas Wolf: jonas.wolf(at)tum.de