Project MA - Architecture and Timber Construction, winter term 2023/24
It is not difficult to imagine a market from the customer's point of view. Surely all of us shop regularly at markets or are aware of the idea and atmosphere of a market. The market as a shopping place and economic service centre with the possibility to buy directly from producers. Together with the offer of regional and local products, this forms the counterpart to shopping in anonymous supermarkets with mass offers. Organised and regular markets take place in market halls and market places. This is the understanding of markets in Germany.
Elsewhere, market activities look quite different, even if the basic endeavour to sell goods is the same. Thus, the market situation is partly dominated by smaller-scale stalls, temporary and flexible structures. Behind the economic motives (selling and trading), there are a number of other aspects that come together in market activities. For example, every market becomes a social meeting point and place of assembly. The market is both a place of work for some and a place of entertainment or everyday shopping for others. In many places, trade also involves negotiating, i.e. getting into conversation, communicating and interacting, exploring boundaries and coming together again. The market as a reflection of society, because market products also represent the basic supply: Food.
In a first phase of analysis, we look at the external circumstances and conditions that prevail at the respective market locations in groups of 2. Each group analyses a given market location under these questions.
Finally, the design task in studio*musika is the conception and design of a new market space. We deal with the question of what happens at market spaces apart from shopping and buying. What socially relevant issues come to the fore? In order to better understand the needs that are necessary for a market design, we put ourselves in the perspective of the traders. How does it feel to sell goods behind the stall every day? How should the space be designed in which social interactions take place alongside sales and which becomes an informal meeting place?
The design location for the new market space is JAMESTOWN, a district in ACCRA, the capital of GHANA. The design task is done in groups of 2.
17.10.2023, 09:00 am - 11:00 am at Herbert-Kupfer-Saal
Kristina Egbers: egbers(at)posteo.de