Ringvorlesung TUM.wood - From tree to house
Lecture, winter term 2022/23, MA, 3 ECTS
The interfaculty lecture series 'From tree to house - the entire wood value chain' is offered in the winter semester and is open to Master's students of the TUM School of Engineering and Design and the TUM School of Life Sciences.
The lecture series provides an overview of the interrelationships along the entire wood value chain. A holistic perspective beyond faculty boundaries deepens the understanding of the ecological, economic, socio-cultural and technical aspects of the topic 'Building with Wood'.
The inter-faculty approach of TUM.wood is reflected in the teaching offer. A coordinated subject catalog from all areas invites the students of the participating faculties to take a look beyond their own discipline. Thus, the subject of wood can be viewed from a university perspective in the best sense of the word.
Mondays 4:45 - 6:15 pm via Zoom
Prof. Richter Introduction
17.10.2022 Prof. Seidl, Holzproduktion in Mitteleuropa
24.10.2022 Prof. Annighöfer, Der Wald, das Holz und der Waldbau
31.10.2022 Prof. Ludwig, Baubotanik - Lebende Holzkonstruktionen und organische Verbindungen
07.11.2022 Prof. Dörfler, Robotik im Bau
14.11.2022 Prof. Richter, Material Holz: Aufbau und Eigenschaften
21.11.2022 Prof. Richter, Holz und Nachhaltigkeit
28.11.2022 Prof. Van de Kuilen, Vom Baum zur Konstruktion
05.12.2022 Prof. Zollfrank, Biogene Polymere
12.12.2022 Prof. Benz, Pilzbiotechnologie in der Holzwissenschaft
19.12.2022 Prof. Winter, Holzbauprojekte - Werkstoffe, Anforderungen, Herausforderungen
09.01.2023 Prof. Winter, Holzbauprojekte - Bauphysik, Lebenszyklusberechnungen, Holzschutz
16.01.2023 Prof. Birk, Kreislaufeffektive Bauwende mit Holz
23.01.2023 Prof. Nagler, Einfach Bauen
Online lecture:
online lecture, link via moodle