Tuesday, 14/5 16:00 - 18:00 Building in the context of the climate crisis - Keynote


14. Mai 2024 - Pavillon 333


The "Bavarian Timber Construction Award" exhibition showcase the diversity and aesthetics of modern timber construction

Experts from the Technical University of Munich and the Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences will be giving talks on the importance and possibilities of building with the natural and valuable raw material wood on May 14 from 4:15 p.m. in Pavilion 333 at the Pinakothek der Moderne. Admission is from 3 pm.

16:15 - Welcome by Alexander Bogner, Managing Director of proHolz Bayern
16:30 - Turning point in building (Prof. Stephan Birk)
17:00 - Forest, wood and circular economy (Dr. Sandra Schuster)
17:30 - Simply building (Prof. Anne Niemann)
18:00 - End

Link to event here

The event is a cooperation between proHolz Bayern and TUM.wood.

Building site visit Gelber Block

2024 April, 25th - Munich's Westend

As part of our seminar Forschungsfragen im Holzbau (DENSITIM), today we had the opportunity to visit the construction site of the Yellow Block in Munich's Westend district with our master students.
The engineering office LEICHTonline, the client Wohnungsgenossenschaft München-West eG and the architectural office Zillerplus provided informative insights into the many challenges of the ongoing extension.
The students had the opportunity to ask questions and thus gained an insight into the technical challenges and the future of the construction industry in the context of redensification measures.
We are following the progress of the project with interest and wish everyone involved a successful project completion.

Further information on the project: https://zillerplus.de/project/gelber-block/

Exhibition Observation tower Kuppelzen

2024 April, 25th - Weil der Stadt-Münklingen

Last winter semester, students designed observation towers for the town of Weil der Stadt (BW) as part of the "Kuppelzen observation tower" design project.

On the edge of the Black Forest, 30 kilometres west of Stuttgart, lies the Kuppelzen mountain in the tranquil town of Weil der Stadt.
The town's local mountain is part of a hiking trail and a popular local recreation destination.
A small hut is run by local associations and offers walkers a place to linger. To add a new attraction to the hiking trail, the idea was born to build a viewing tower on the Kuppelzen.

The results are now being presented to the local public in an exhibition.

Opening: Friday, May 3, 2024 / 2.30 pm

Friday, May 3rd        2.30 pm to 6.00 pm
Saturday, May 4th    2.00 pm to 6.00 pm
Sunday, May 5th      11.00 am to 3.00 pm
Sports hall Weil der Stadt-Münklingen
Lehninger Weg 31
71263 Weil der Stadt-Münklingen

Architecture and timber construction in the interregnum - Inaugural lecture Prof. Stephan Birk

On April 10th, 2024, Professor Stephan Birk, will give his inaugural lecture "Architecture and Timber Construction in the Interregnum" at Weißer Saal at 6.30 pm.

Aperitifs are offered after the lecture.

Registration is requested.

6.30 pm

Weißer Saal (5th floor)
Technical University of Munich
Arcisstraße 21
80333 Munich

DENSITIM started!

20.02.2024 - Tübingen

Last week, our research team from TUM and the practice partners from Baden-Württemberg met for the kick-off meeting of DENSITIM in Tübingen.

We are looking forward to the practical collaboration over the next two years. During this period, questions relating to the transformation of the German housing stock from the 1950s to the 1970s will be analysed in depth and findings developed for future decision-makers.

MAIV Prize 2024 awarded!

06 February 2024 - MA Project winter term 23/24

The Master's studio "Green Campus", in which eight interdisciplinary teams from the fields of architecture and civil engineering developed concepts for the redensification of the Chair of Sustainable Mobile Drive Systems, was presented, awarded and exhibited in the first week of February.

Congratulations to the winners of the MAIV prize:

1st prize: Laura Haug, Lea Rief, Veronika Bauer
2nd prize: Zhiyue Wang, Lina Shahristani, Stephany Bonilla
3rd prize: Annabell Aichele, Ameli Dammann, Marie-Ange Mathevet

TUM School of Engineering and Design
Chair of Architecture and Timber Construction
Chair of Timber Structures and Building Construction

BIMwood: Driving Force for Timber Construction


The research project "BIMwood - Development of Building Information Modelling Solutions for Project Collaboration in the Value chain of Prefabricated Timber Construction concluded in 2023. By advancing the wood-based process chain, BIMwood plays a crucial role in fortifying the timber value chain and propelling the substitution of mineral building materials within the framework of the “Bauwende”. In collaboration with the Chair of Architectural Informatics and various industry partners, a BIM reference process tailored specifically for timber construction was developed. This process, the central outcome of the project, establishes a structured foundation for project-related collaboration among all stakeholders involved in multi-storey timber construction.
The research findings have been distilled into a practical set of recommendations to facilitate the application of BIM methodology in timber construction. The emphasis of these recommendations lies in steering processes towards planning methodologies that are well-suited for timber construction.

BIMwood - A recommendation for action, download

Link to the website here



Grüner Campus
Final Review and Exhibition

MA Project winter term 23/24

06.02.2024 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
starting at 4:30 pm opening exhibition + award ceremony MAIV

07.02. - 09.02.2024
11:00 am – 5:00 pm each day
free admission

Pavilion 333
Türkenstrasse 15
80333 Munich

TUM School of Engineering and Design
Chair of Architecture and Timber Construction
Chair of Timber Structures and Building Construction 



Our research report titled "circularWOOD" is available!

The circularWOOD research project delves into the practical implementation of circular economy principles within timber construction. Our report consolidates insights gathered from extensive literature reviews, exemplary case studies, and insightful stakeholder interviews. We meticulously analyze the potentials and challenges involved, offering forward-thinking solutions for the reuse of materials in contemporary timber construction. Our findings serve as a valuable resource for decision-makers and stakeholders in the construction industry, providing crucial insights and actionable recommendations to enhance the circularity of timber construction and mitigate the environmental impact of the construction sector.

CircularWOOD is the result of a collaborative effort between the Chair of Architecture and Timber Construction at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Competence Center Typology & Planning in Architecture (CCTP) at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

For those interested, the report can be downloaded from the following link:

DOI: 10.14459/2023md1725475
Website: www.circularwood.net

This research project received funding from the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development, and Building (BMWSB), utilizing resources from the Zukunft Bau Innovation Programme.


Anmeldung unter: architektursichten@mail.de


Excursion to the Kuppelzen


On October 10th 2023, we climbed the Kuppelzen near Weil der Stadt with our Bachelor students, on which an observation tower is to be built. We are looking forward to exciting designs!


Anmeldung unter: architektursichten@mail.de





On October 24th 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Sergio Ruggeri will be a guest at the Chair of Architecture and Timber Construction (room 3152) to provide insights into his work (all without wood). Sergio Ruggeri studied at the Catholic University of Asunción (CyTUCA) in Paraguay, since 1996 he is part of the architectural studio Ruggero / Zarza.

"Sergio Ruggeri understands like no other how to let indeterminate fluid space emerge for the community."
Bauwelt 8.2023, Benedikt Schulz, Leipzig

We are looking forward to architecture made in Paraguay.


Please apply on timejonas.faber@tum.de 


Guest professorship Kristina Egbers


Winter semester 2023/24

Kristina Egbers (*1986) has been working for many years on the relationship between design and social themes that arise especially in building in intercultural cooperation. She researches the relation between existing ways of life and the design of the built environment. Because building in unfamiliar places - near or far - means immersing in something new, informing about and understanding the context. Not only in relation to questions that are obviously relevant to construction, but also to the attitudes towards life of the people who work and live there, as well as to historical moments and influences.

Kristina Egbers studied architecture at the University of Stuttgart (2008-2013) and graduated with the design for the 'Initiative Rising Star - School Buildings for Hopley, Zimbabwe' in 2013. She then planned the project with 'Engineers without Borders Germany' over a period of about 10 years and built it in Zimbabwe. For this, she spent many years on the construction site in Harare. This award-winning project is after all the basis for her current research work at Technical University of Berlin in the Program for design-based doctorate.

Before and after her studies, she worked in various architectural offices in Stuttgart, London and Berlin in line with her voluntary activities. In 2023, she finally founded her own architectural practice, studio*k, in Berlin. After teaching at the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design and the Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Kristina Egbers will be a guest professor at the TUM in the winter semester 2023/24.

Final presentation + exhibition master studio 'munich urban mining'


on July 25th 2023 our students presented their designs for our master studio 'munich urban mining' in pavilion 333.

The design task of the project "munich urban mining" in the summer semester 2023 was the design of a hybrid residential building at Gotzinger Platz in Munich. In addition to flexible, elastic housing typologies, offers for residential workspaces as well as for manufacturing industry were to be created. As a first step, we searched for, mapped and documented secondary raw materials within the framework of a "material harvest". Buildings to be demolished within a maximum radius of 30 km served as raw material storage sites.

The students reused the found building materials in their designs in various ways. Together we investigated the effects of planning and building with re-use materials on the design process, the building construction, the architectural expression - and whether a new aesthetic can be developed from this.

The works were on display in Pavilion 333 from July 26 - 28, 2023.

Apply on time at: architektursichten@mail.de


Apply on time at: architektursichten@mail.de


Apply on time at: architektursichten@mail.de


University Prize for Wood Construction 2023 awarded


May 16th 2023 - Every two years, the Timber Construction University Award invites students of architecture and civil engineering to present their new ideas for the use of wood and wood-based materials in timber construction. At LIGNA, a trade fair for the international woodworking and wood processing industry in Hanover, Germany, the German Timber Construction Award and the University Award for Wood Construction were presented by Federal Minister of Construction Klara Geywitz. The aim of this award is to raise students' awareness of building with wood, to provide incentives for designing, constructing and building with this resource-saving, sustainable building material and to promote its use and further development.

Three projects received awards, while two others were recognized. Of particular note was the outstanding recognition received by student Sophie Pichler for her project "Highway to Hellabrunn." In the winter semester 22/23, students from the chairs of timber construction and structural engineering and architecture and timber construction worked together to develop concepts for a bicycle bridge in Munich using timber/hybrid construction techniques. The aim was to design a path connection for cyclists over the edge of the slope of the Harlachinger Berg. This connection was designed and constructed in the form of a bridge structure in order to reduce the structural interference with the existing nature reserve to a minimum.

The jury praised the bridge and ramp structure, which subtly blends into the spatial situation of the site. It exemplifies the strengths of civil engineering with wood. The sophisticated and elegant design is characterized by its economical use of materials.

The project is on display in the WoodCycle exhibition at Schnitzer&Studio until 01.06.2023.


Symposium "FünfnachZwölf!"

On May 8th, 2023 the symposium "FünfnachZwölf!" organized by Schnitzer& as part of the Munich Creative Business Week 2023 (MCBW). Katja Jantzen and Theresa Blömer gave a keynote speech about the EDUwood research project and the integration of research into teaching in the field of sustainable planning, building and use.

The construction and real estate sector contributes significantly to CO2 emissions, energy and material consumption and land use. In view of the scarcity of resources and climate change, a rethink and holistic solutions are required. The symposium offered innovative approaches and best practice examples from research and practice to address the challenges.

The event was funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy.

"munich urban mining" in Winterthur


April 27th 2023 - As part of our summer semester design project "munich urban mining", masterstudents from our chair went on a one day excursion to Winterthur last week.
Since, in addition to the use of wood as a material, the topic of reusing secondary materials in an urban context will also be a focal point of the project, the K.188 project from baubüro in situ was viewed as a prelude.
Afterwards, the architect Volker Schopp from weberbrunner architekten and client Christian Hagmann gave a guided tour of the multi-generation house in the Hagmann-Areal.
Finally, Birgit Rothen of ROTHEN ARCHITEKTUR gave a guided tour of the Nutzungshybrid Haus 141 and the group was able to end the evening in the 'diskutierbar' of the ZHAW.


TUM.wood at Bau2023 

Innovation Hub B0

April 17th - 22th 2023 - TUM.wood presented itself at the leading trade Fair Bau 2023 with various research projects, developed in the research network.

The projects combine topics from forestry, material research and timber science, as well as architecture and building practice. Within the interdisciplinary cooperation, technical, architectural, ecological and economic possibilities of the renewable raw material wood are investigated along the entire value chain - from its origins in the forest to processing, application in the building industry and recycling strategies

We are pleased about the great interest of the visitors and are grateful to the TUM.wood group for the cooperation and organisation.

Congratulations on the student award!


April 24th 2023 - For the second time, the D-A-CH interdisciplinary congress "Three countries, one mission: Climate-friendly timber construction culture" took place at the end of April in Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance as part of the timber construction offensive Baden-Württemberg and in cooperation with vorarlberger holzbau_kunst, Proholz Bayern and Lignum Holzwirtschaft Schweiz.
In this context, the winners of the student award of the Landesbeirat Holz BW "Innovative wood use, climate, recyclability and timber construction" were announced on Thursday, 24.04.2023.
Of the six awarded projects, two are from students of the Department of Architecture and Timber Construction:

Among others, the final theses of

Anna Maria Brendel: "branntneu" - quarter development and Nachverdichtung in timber construction method on the Branntweinareal in Munich and
Sebastian Hoyer: "Unter Schalen" - Asymptotic-geodesic timber lattice shells / design of a new resource center in Munich

We are pleased and congratulate all award winners!


In accordance with its statutory objectives, the Landesbeirat Holz Baden-Württemberg e.V. endows a student prize and thus awards completed bachelor's and master's theses for outstanding contributions in connection with Baden-Württemberg's timber construction offensive. The potential and the achievements of the students and their work at the universities of the DACH - area (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) for the use of wood in the sense of this award shall be made accessible and visible to a larger public. In particular, the public and scientific discourse on ways out of climate change and the transformation of planning and production processes to a more climate-friendly building culture with special consideration of the raw and material wood in the sense of a building and thinking turnaround should be stimulated.
The prize is under the patronage of the Minister of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection of Baden-Württemberg.

Apply on time at: architektursichten@mail.de


MAIV-Preis 2023 awarded

Finissage of the exhibition 'Of elves and lumberjacks'

February 21th 2023 - We had a great exhibition and thank our students for their beautiful work!

Exhibition Masterstudio Of ELVES AND LUMBERJACKS


February 20th 2023 - As a mystical place of longing and an irreplaceable resource, the FOREST is an important basis of human culture on all continents. Expectations of it are growing: It is supposed to be a preserver of biodiversity, a climate savior, a storehouse of raw materials, a backdrop to fairy tales, and a local recreation destination. But what does this mean for the future coexistence between forests and humans in times of global droughts, fires, and more intensive forestry and agriculture?
In their work, our students drew attention to challenges and potentials in order to promote a mindful approach to our environment.

In the design project, we first learned about the forest in its different forms and studied its role as an actor in our ecosystem. In the next step, we identified specific places where a problematic point of human interaction with the forest was elaborated. The solutions to be elaborated resulted in an architectural intervention that depicts an overall narrative to show opportunities for a better coexistence of forests and humans.

The works of the TUM students can be seen from 20.02.23 -21.02.23, in Pavilion 333.


20.02.2023 from 2 - 6 pm 
21.02.2023 from 12 - 7:30 pm
Finnisage starting at 7:30 pm
free admission

Pavillon 333
Türkenstrasse 15
80333 München
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Lehrstuhl für Architektur und Holzbau

TU&M: Research project on circular timber frame elements launched


February 1st 2023 - The Kick-off Meeting for the research project “Timber Use and Maintain – TU&M”, started on January 1st the same year, was held at the Wood Research Institute in Munich. The project aims to develop circular timber frame elements considering their technical, environmental and economic feasibility.

The project emerged from the TUM.wood network (holz.tum.de) at the Technical University of Munich and includes the professorships on Wood Science, Timber Structures and Building Construction, Architecture and Timber Construction, Architectural Informatics and Circular Economy. The industry partners are Haas Fertigbau and Brüninghoff Group. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) coordinated by the Agency of Renewable Resources (FNR).

Further information TU&M

08.02.2023: Final presentation of the bachelor project "schulemachen" with guest critique by Tobias Wulf

Exhibition WoodCycle


February 23th - 24th 2023 - During the winter semester 22/23, students from the Master's degree programmes in architecture and civil engineering worked together to develop concepts for a bicycle bridge in Munich using timber/hybrid construction methods. The aim was to design a path connection for cyclists over the edge of the slope of the Harlachinger Berg. This connection was designed and constructed in the form of a bridge structure in order to reduce the structural intervention in the existing nature reserve to a minimum.
In the future, the bridge should become a point of attraction for Munich's cycling tourism and the residents of Harlaching. The focus of the design work was on cycling. The students also developed concepts for workshops, accommodation and catering. The constructive part of the project work focuses on the bridge structure, construction, prefabrication and assembly.
This year's sponsorship prize for the "WoodCycle" project of the Münchener Architekten- und Ingenieur-Verein e.V. will be awarded at the exhibition opening. The contributions of the TUM students can be seen from 23.02.23 -24.02.23, in Pavilion 333.
Exhibition opening
22.02.203, 6:30 pm
23.02 - 24.02.2023
12:00 - 5:00 pm
free admission
Pavilion 333
Türkenstrasse 15
80333 Munich
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Lehrstuhl für Architektur und Holzbau
Lehrstuhl für Holzbau und Baukonstruktion 

26. IHF in Innsbruck

30.11. - 02.12.2022 - We had a great time at the IHF!

September 22th 2022 - ATC chair moved!

Our premises are now on the 3rd floor, room 3152

Visiting lecture in July

June 15th 2022 - Studio task summer term 2022



Situation, Initiativen und Perspektiven

22. Juni 22, 08:45 Uhr, Onlinevortrag

Yuliia Zalomaikina, Architektin aus Kyiiw
Projektleiterin bei der IBA’27 – Internationale
Bauausstellung 2027 StadtRegion Stuttgart



Meeting-ID: 638 2387 5076
Kenncode: 820694

Mai 25th 2022 - 1. review of our design studio for an art retreat in Hohenzollernstraße