Climate protection potential of timber construction on the campus of the University of Technology Nuremberg
A new campus will be built for the University of Technology Nuremberg in the coming years.
40 buildings of various uses will be constructed on the site comprising a total NUF of 90,000 m². During the EDUwood research project, possible construction types for the buildings planned predominantly in timber construction are being determined considering their climate protection potentials.
Based on exemplary room typologies, possible building constructions are investigated concerning building physics (e.g. sound insulation, fire protection, thermal insulation) and building construction ( method, spans) parameters. Using life-cycle analyses and thermal building simulations, the global warming potential (GWP) and the primary energy demand are determined and compared with conventional construction methods.
The results are incorporated into a practice-oriented recommendation for action, which includes a decision matrix for different room typologies and building constructions, taking into account the above-mentioned aspect.
Project Partners:
TUM, Chair of Architecture and Timber Construction, Univ.-Prof. Stephan Birk
TUM, Chair of Timber Structures and Building Construction, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter
TUM, Chair for Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang
Funding Organization:
Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Art
Bavarian State Ministry of Housing, Construction and Transport
Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry
Project Duration:
01.09.2022 – 30.11.2023