Test series 1 - Part 2: Done!

23.11.2023 - Münster
Over the last two days, we have completed the second part of our first series of tests: WA3 and WA4 were successfully dismantled. In the coming months, all the data and findings will be evaluated, the wall structures optimised and research carried out to find out what adjustments can be made to make timber panel construction more recyclable than is currently the case. Thanks to the entire (dismantling) team of the Brüninghoff Group and especially to our colleagues Dr Jan Wenker, Frederic Schenke and Dario Kemper for their hospitality and the brilliant cooperation in Heiden!
An intensive and insightful week!

21.09.2023 - Heiden
As part of our joint research project "TU&M - Timber Use and Maintain", funded by the Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR), we have spent the last four days looking at and analysing the deconstructability of current wall components in timber panel construction.
Thanks to the whole team for the exciting exchange!