The Sea Ranch - on the rocks
Bachelor project design and construction summer term 2024
Background and history
Sea Ranch – community in nature Sea Ranch is a unique community on the California coast whose architectural style is heavily influenced by the ideas of "California Modernism" and "Bauhaus Style".
Development of Sea Ranch began in the 1960s under the leadership of landscape architect Lawrence Halprin and architect Joseph Esherick. The Moore, Lyndon, Turnbull and Whitaker (MLTW) architectural team has been tasked with creating a masterplan that will preserve the beauty of the landscape. Their approach was to group modernist structures in small clusters to promote community while maximizing the openness of the landscape. The overall goal of the project is to create a harmonious community that fits seamlessly into the surrounding landscape. Modern architectural principles were to be combined with the rough coastal landscape. The architecture of the Sea Ranch is characterized by integration into the landscape, the use of natural materials and open floor plans that offer residents panoramic views of the sea. Particular attention has been paid to sustainability and environmental protection by designing the houses to adapt to the local climate and to conserve natural resources such as: B. sunlight and wind. In the decades that followed, Sea Ranch's architecture continued to evolve.
Design a wooden music house on the rocks! The new Sea Ranch building is intended to achieve several goals. It is intended to be an aesthetic enrichment for the community and to further develop the cultural heritage of the Sea Ranch. Additionally, the Music House is intended to strengthen the original vision of the community by creating a place where people come together to experience the beauty of the landscape and the enjoyment of artistic, musical performances. It should offer space for individualism and creative expression and at the same time serve as a place of inspiration and exchange.
By harmoniously integrating into the natural environment, the building is intended to help strengthen the connection between people and nature and promote a sense of community. In the building, people have the opportunity to make music, rehearse together and give concerts. The various functions can be arranged sensibly and flexibly to accommodate different uses.
Tue, 16.04.24 - Einführung und Ausgabe Goldener Engel / 9:45 – 11:15
Tue, 07.05.24 - Testat 1 Weißer Saal / ab 9:00 Uhr
Wed, 08.05.24 – Fahrradexkursion 09:00 – 14:00 Uhr
Wed, 22.05.24 - Saalübung 1 / 10:00 – 12:00 Uhr
Tue, 11.06.24 - Testat 2 Weißer Saal / ab 9:00 Uhr
Wed, 19.06.24 - Saalübung 2 Weißer Saal / 10:00 – 12:00 Uhr
Tue,16.07.24 - Mi, 17.07.24 - Schlusspräsentation: Weißer Saal / ab 9:00 Uhr