Master Thesis at the Chair for Integrated Product Design

At the Chair of Integrated Product Design (Prof. Thoring) a master thesis can be worked on in the following range of topics:
- Creativity-supporting work environments (Creative Spaces)
- Workspaces for Wellbeing
- Light and acoustics at the workplace
- Working on the road and outdoors
- Biophilic Workspaces
- Neuro-Aesthetics, Neuro-Architecture, Neuro-Ergonomics
- (Generative) AI in the context of design and creativity
After consultation, Master's theses from programs other than Architecture can also be supervised, e.g. Landscape Architecture, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Human Factors Engineering (HFE), Management & Innovation, Information Systems, Science & Technologies Studies (STS) or Transportation Systems. The prerequisite for this is that there is a thematic reference to design, design methods are used, or the thesis has a design component. In addition, the topic must be approved by the respective master's department.
Procedure and registration:
- Expression of interest in a Master's thesis by email to Prof. Thoring; this is followed by an initial assessment of whether this topic is suitable for the chair.
- The seminar "Methodical Development of Research Questions" must be taken. In this seminar, the framework and basics of the Master's thesis are discussed and summarized in an exposé in order to concretize mutual expectations.
- Processing of the Master's thesis according to the exposé prepared in the seminar.
- It is desirable to transfer the thesis into a scientific publication after the thesis processing time (optional). Appropriate support and advice will be offered for this.
This seminar is also of particular relevance and interest for students who consider pursuing a PhD with a design focus, after finishing their Master.