The Biophilic Workspace

Biophilic design - i.e. designing with nature - is generally regarded as beneficial to people's creativity and well-being, and is therefore increasingly being implemented not only in living spaces but also in the workplace. The facets of the design possibilities range from natural colors and patterns, to sensual stimuli such as smells and sounds, to the implementation of real plants in the office. However, the impact of these design measures has not yet been comprehensively investigated.
In this project, you will explore the potential of Biophilic Design for the workplace. In the first step, you will develop a design intervention individually. The range of possible outcomes is broad – test your graphic design skills for a floral wallpaper; develop office accessories from natural materials, or find out which plants thrive best next to the computer. In the second step, the interventions developed will be brought together in several rooms to represent a biophilic theme. In teams of about 5-8 people you will design a "Biophilic Workspace". We cooperate with a furniture manufacturer (t.b.d.) who provides us with further pieces of furniture on loan to complement the rooms. The plan is to exhibit the Biophilic Workspaces at mcbw in May 2024.
Part of the project is an excursion to the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven ( - the biggest design event in Northern Europe.
Date: Wednesday 10/25 – Saturday 10/28.
– either in Hostel 3BE Backpackers in shared room ( for about 130,- Euro (per person, 3 nights).
– or in a hotel (shared twin room) for about 190,- Euro (per person, 3 nights)
– Reservation of one of the two options with indication of preference via email to ipd(at)
– Accommodation can optionally be organized by the participants themselves (upon prior consultation).
Arrival: on own initiative (train ticket Sparpreis Europa is particularly cheap with immediate early booking)
Admission DDW Ticket: 15,- Euro
If you are interested or have any questions, please contact us by email at ipd(at)
With binding booking of the excursion (corresponding proof or booking through us) you will receive a guaranteed Fixplatz for the project.
Possibility of follow-up seminar
In the summer semester 2024, a follow-up seminar will be offered as an elective module in which (a) the exhibition at the mcbw will be organized, and (b) experimental, technology-based studies will be conducted to investigate the impact of the created spaces on the well-being and creativity of the users. Participation in the follow-up seminar is optional and not a prerequisite.
Tuesday 17.10.2023 | 15:00
Project seminars (Biophilic Design and Interior Design) Tuesdays 15:00. (mandatory attendance).
Meetings: Wednesdays 15:00