Check out our publications here:
Koth, S. C.; Kobas, B.; Reitmayer, A. K.; Hepf, C.; Auer, T. Dynamic Cooling – A concept of time-sensitive thermal regulation to cut cooling energy demand in office buildings. Energy and Buildings 2024, Volume 322, 114734.
Koth, S. C.; Kobas, B. (2024) Thermoregulatory differences in sex and time-of-day within naturally ventilated office environments. Building and Environment 2024, Volume 261, 111759.
Pilehchi Ha, P., Schweiker, M., Kobas, B., Koth, S. C., Auer, T. (2023) Variations in subjective psychological responses to similar but distinct thermal environments. Healthy Buildings 2023 Europe, p. 772-773.
Wu, Z., Wagner, A., Jia, H., Schiavon, S., Wargocki, P., Schweiker, M., Dong, B., Koth, S.C., Kobas, B., Vellei, M., Pigliautile, I., Toftum, J., Rupp, R. (2023) Global Database of Thermal Comfort Physiological Responses. 18th Healthy Buildings Europe Conference, 11th – 14th June 2023, Aachen, Germany.
Koth, S. C., Kobas, B., Bausch, K., Auer, T. (2022) Mitigating climate change through healthy discomfort. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1078(1), 012034. doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/1078/1/012034.
Kobas, B., Koth, S. C., Auer, T. (2022). Towards a multivariate time-series approach with biosignal datasets for the global thermal comfort database. Proceedings of 2022 European Conference on Computing in Construction. Rhodes, Greece,
Kobas, B., Koth, S. C., Nkurikiyeyezu, K., Giannakakis, G., Auer, T. (2021). Effect of Exposure Time on Thermal Behaviour: A Psychophysiological Approach. Signals, 2(4), Special Issue Biosignals Processing and Analysis in Biomedicine, 863–885;
Persiani, S. G. L., Kobas, B., Koth, S. C., Auer, T. (2021). Biometric data as real-time measure of physiological reactions to environmental stimuli in the built environment. Energies, 14(1), 232;
Unpublished master theses are below. Please get in touch if you'd like to access any of them:
Wu, J. (2023). Heart rate variability (HRV) as response to environmental stimuli in comfort studies.
Uslu, Y. E. (2023). Different thermoregulatory responses under same PMV conditions. [Unpublished master thesis]. TUM. Submitted and presented on 06.03.2023.
Hühn, J. (2022). Optimierung des Energiebedarfs durch Verwendung physiologisch-basierter Temperaturprofile. [Unpublished master thesis]. TUM. Submitted and presented on 15.12.2022.
Koth, S. C. (2021). Thermal Stress Endurance In Indoor Environments: A thermal-temporal analysis of Electrodermal activity. [Unpublished master thesis]. TUM. Submitted and presented on 27.09.2021.