Gottkehaskamp, B.; Romero, J.; Talke, M.-K.; Gottkehaskamp, B.; Hepf, C.; & Auer, T. (2024) A Parametric Study: Impact of Thermal Mass on Summer Overheating for Residential Buildings in Germany. Proceedings of EuroSun 2024, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.18086/eurosun.2024.01.04
Gottkehaskamp, B.; Hepf, C.; Chong, A.; Miller, C.; & Auer, T. (2024) Integration of Weather and Emission Predictive Control (WEPC) into Building Energy Simulations. Proceedings of EuroSun 2024, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.18086/eurosun.2024.01.05
Joie, L.; Marcel, I.; Ben, G.; & Nyuk, W. H. (2024). Interactive Urban Heat Island Assessment: Dynamic Data Fusion in Digital Twins. ASim Conference 5, 2024, 419–426. https:publications.ibpsa.orgconference/paper/?id=asim2024_1244
Reitmayer, A.; Koth, S.C.; Kobas, B.; Johnstone, K. R.; Cook, M. M.; Madigan, C.; Auer, T. (2024) Effects of dynamic thermal conditioning on cognitive load and performance in an office environment. Applied Ergonomics, 2025. Volume 122, 104395. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apergo.2024.104395
Koth, S. C.; Kobas, B.; Reitmayer, A. K.; Hepf, C.; Auer, T. (2024) Dynamic Cooling – A concept of time-sensitive thermal regulation to cut cooling energy demand in office buildings. Energy and Buildings, Volume 322, 114734. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2024.114734
Koth, S. C.; Kobas, B. (2024) Thermoregulatory differences in sex and time-of-day within naturally ventilated office environments. Building and Environment, Volume 261, 111759. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2024.111759
Ignatius, M.; Lim, J., Gottkehaskamp, B.; Fujiwara, K.; Miller, C.; Biljecki, F. (2024). Digital Twin and Wearables Unveiling Pedestrian Comfort Dynamics and Walkability in Cities. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences X-4-W5-2024, 195–202. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-annals-X-4-W5-2024-195-2024
Fassbender, E.; Rott, J.; Hemmerle, C. (2024) Impacts of Photovoltaic Façades on the Urban Thermal Microclimate and Outdoor Thermal Comfort: Simulation-Based Analysis. Buildings 2024, Volume 14, 923. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14040923
Straßer, A.; Briels, D.; Kränkel, T.; Gehlen, C.; Auer, T. (2024) Selective Paste Intrusion: An Additive Manufacturing Technique to produce customized Building Components with enhanced Thermal Insulating Performance. In Ultra-High Performance Concrete and High Performance Building Materials for Sustainability Construction, Proceedings of HiPerMat 2024, 6th International Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete and High Performance Building. HiPerMat 2024, Kassel; Fehling, Ekkehard and Middendorf, Bernhard and Thiemicke, Jenny, Ed. Kassel University Press, pp 239–242. https://dx.doi.org/doi:10.17170/kobra-202402059519
Krakovská, E.; Briels, D.; Straßer, A.; Kränkel, T.; Auer, T.; Gehlen, C.; D’Acunto, P.; Dörfler, K. (2024) Functionally Hybridised Lightweight Concrete Components: Monolithic Building Construction Using Selective Paste Intrusion. In Fourth RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication: Digital Concrete 2024, 1st ed. 2024; Lowke, D., Freund, N., Böhler, D., Herding, F., Eds.; Springer Nature Switzerland; Imprint Springer: Cham, pp 353–361, ISBN 978-3-031-70030-9. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-70031-6_41
Fleckenstein, J.; Knychalla, B.; Briels, D.; Baghdadi, A.; Placzek, G.; Herding, F.; Schwerdtner, P.; Auer, T.; Lowke, D.; Kloft, H.; et al. (2024) BREUER X AM: FUNCTIONAL HYBRIDISATION IN CONCRETE BUILDING ENVELOPE ELEMENTS THROUGH ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING. Fabricate 2024; UCL Press, pp 196–205, ISBN 9781800086357. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/jj.11374766.29
Hepf, C.; Gottkehaskamp, B.; Miller, C.; Auer, T.; (2024). International Comparison of Weather and Emission Predictive Building Control. Buildings 14, 288. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14010288
You, Z.; de-Borja-Torrejon, M.; Danzer, P.; Nouman, A.; Hemmerle, C.; Tzscheutschler, P.; Goebel, C. (2023) Cost-effective CO2 abatement in residential heating: A district-level analysis of heat pump deployment. Energy and Buildings, 300, 113644. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2023.113644. ISSN: 0378-7788
Briels, D.; Renz, M.; Nouman, A. S.; Straßer, A.; Hechtl, M.; Dahlenburg, M.; Knychalla, B.; Sonnleitner, P.; Herding, F.; Fleckenstein, J.; Krakovská, E.; Dörfler, K.; Auer, T. (2023) Monolithic AM façade: multi-objective parametric design optimization of additively manufactured insulating wall elements. Front. Built Environ. 9:1286933. http://doi.org/10.3389/fbuil.2023.1286933
Fassbender, E.; Pytlik, S.; Rott, J.; Hemmerle,C. (2023) Impacts of Rooftop Photovoltaics on the Urban Thermal Microclimate: Metrological Investigations. Buildings 2023, 13(9), 2339. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13092339
Hani, C.; Fassbender, E.; Suttner, E. (2023) Vorgehängte Holzbau-Fassaden - Photovoltaik und Begrünung. Quartier 3.2023 (Sonderausgabe - Klimaoptimierter Städtebau, Multifunktionale blau-grüne Infrastrukturen). ISSN: 2625-6223
Pilehchi Ha, P., Schweiker, M., Kobas, B., Koth, S. C., Auer, T. (2023) Variations in subjective psychological responses to similar but distinct thermal environments. Healthy Buildings 2023 Europe, p. 772-773.
Hepf, C.; Overhoff, L.; Lauss, L.; Koth, S.C.; Gabriel, M.; Briels, D.; Auer, T. (2023) Impact of a Weather Predictive Control Strategy for Inert Building Technology on Thermal Comfort and Energy Demand. Building 2023, 13(4), 996; https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13040996
Larikova, I.; Fleckenstein, J.; Chokhachian, A.; Auer, T.; Weisser, W.; Dörfler, K. (2022) Additively Manufactured Urban Multispecies Façades for Building Renovation. Journal of Façade Design and Engineering, 10 (2), pp. 105-126. 10.47982/jfde.2022.powerskin.7
Hepf, C.; Bausch, K.; Lauss, L.; Koth, S.C.; Auer, T. (2022) Impact of dynamic emission factors of the german electricity mix on the greenhouse gas balance in building operation. Buildings 2022, 12(12), 2215. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings12122215
Fassbender, E.; Hemmerle, C. (2022) Interdependencies between photovoltaics and thermal microclimate. In book: Advanced Materials in Smart Building Skins for Sustainability, From Nano to Macroscale, pp. 189-206. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-09695-2_9
Koth, S.C.; Kobas, B.; Bausch, K.; Auer, T. (2022) Mitigating climate change through healthy discomfort. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science 2022, 1078. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1078/1/012034
Kobas, B.; Koth, S. C.; Auer, T. (2022). Towards a multivariate time-series approach with biosignal datasets for the global thermal comfort database. Proceedings of 2022 European Conference on Computing in Construction. https://doi.org/10.35490/EC3.2022.201
Briels, D.; Kollmannsberger, S.; Leithner, F.; Matthäus, C.; Nouman, A.S.; Oztoprak, O.; Rank, E. (2022) Thermal Optimization of Additively Manufactured Lightweight Concrete Wall Elements with Internal Cellular Structure through Simulations and Measurements. Buildings 2022, 12, 1023. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings12071023
Fassbender, E.; Ludwig, F.; Hild, A.; Auer, T.; Hemmerle, C. (2022) Designing Transformation: Negotiating Solar and Green Strategies for the Sustainable Densification of Urban Neighbourhoods. Sustainability 2022, 14(6), 3438. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14063438
Ganji Khybari, A.; Alwalidi M.; Hepf, C.; Hoffmann, S.; Auer, T. (2022) A multi-objective evaluation for envelope refurbishments with electrochromic glazing. Results in Engineering 14 (2022) 100417, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rineng.2022.100417
Lauss, L.; Meier, A.; Auer, T. (2022) Uncertainty and sensitivity analyses of operational errors in air handling units and unexpected user behavior for energy efficiency and thermal comfort. Energy Efficiency, Volume 15, Issue 1, Article 4 (1-15), 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12053-021-10013-w
Kobas, B.; Koth, S.C.; Nkurikiyeyezu, K.; Giannakakis, G.; Auer, T. (2021) Effect of Exposure Time on Thermal Behaviour: A Psychophysiological Approach. Signals 2021, 2, 863-885. https://www.mdpi.com/2624-6120/2/4/50
Fassbender, E.; Hemmerle, C.; Rohrbach, A. (2021). Solar and green potentials for the redevelopment of urban districts. Proceedings of the 16th Advanced Building Skins Conference & Expo, October 2021, pages 199-212. ISBN 978-3-9524883-6-2
Burman, E., Jain, N., de-Borja-Torrejon, M. (2021) Towards net-zero carbon performance: using demand side management and a low carbon grid to reduce operational carbon emissions in a UK public office. In Proceedings of the 8th International Buildings Physics Conference (IBPC 2021). International Building Physics Conference (IBPC): Copenhagen, Denmark. (In press).
Fassbender, E., A., Hemmerle, C.; Muhr, N. (2021). Multi-criteria design and decision support for solar and green envelopes. In Auer, T., Knaack, U. & Schneider, J. (Eds), April 9th 2021 – Munich, Powerskin Conference, Proceedings (pp. 127-140). n.p.: TU Delft / Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment.
Bogischef, L., de-Borja-Torrejon, M., A., Hemmerle, C. (2021). Effect on Energy Management and Influencing Parameters in Local PV Use. In Auer, T., Knaack, U. & Schneider, J. (Eds), April 9th 2021 – Munich, Powerskin Conference, Proceedings (pp. 297-311). n.p.: TU Delft / Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment.
Gabriel, M., de-Borja-Torrejon, M. (2021). Robust Renovation of Buildings: Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Flexibility. In Auer, T., Knaack, U. & Schneider, J. (Eds), April 9th 2021 – Munich, Powerskin Conference, Proceedings (pp. 271-282). n.p.: TU Delft / Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment.
Dielemans, G.; Briels, D.; Jaugstetter, F.; Henke, K.; Dörfler, K. (2021) Additive Manufacturing of Thermally Enhanced Lightweight Concrete Wall Elements with Closed Cellular Structures. Vol. 9 No. 2 (2021): Facade Design and Engineering. https://doi.org/10.7480/jfde.2021.1.5418
Persiani, S.G.L.; Kobas, B.; Koth, S.C.; Auer, T. (2021) Biometric Data as Real-Time Measure of Physiological Reactions to Environmental Stimuli in the Built Environment. Energies 2021, 14, 232. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14010232
Fassbender, E.; Hemmerle, C. (2020) Modeling workflow for simulating the interdependencies between vertical greenery systems, photovoltaic facades and urban microclimate. Proceeding 15th Conference on Advanced Building Skins. ISBN 978-3-9524883-0-0
Lauss, L.; Mehnert, J.; Lebert, J; Auer, T.; Plesser, S. (2020) Energieeffizienz durch Big-Data-Analysen in der Gebäudeautomation. In Monsberger, M., Hopfe, C.J., Krüger, M. & Passer, A. (Eds.). BauSIM 2020, 8th Conference of IBPSA Germany and Austria, 23-25- September 2020, Graz University of Technology, Austria, Proceedings. Graz: Technische Universität Graz, 2020.
ISBN e-book 978-3-85125-786-1
DOI 10.3217/978-3-85125-786-1 (pp. 161-169)
Lauss, L.; Auer, T. (2020) Simulation based analysis and evaluation of operational faults in building technology. In Monsberger, M., Hopfe, C.J., Krüger, M. & Passer, A. (Eds.). BauSIM 2020, 8th Conference of IBPSA Germany and Austria, 23-25- September 2020, Graz University of Technology, Austria, Proceedings. Graz: Technische Universität Graz, 2020.
ISBN e-book 978-3-85125-786-1
DOI 10.3217/978-3-85125-786-1 (pp. 273-280)
Bogischef, L.; de-Borja-Torrejon, M.; Hemmerle, C. (2020) Residential buildings as a flexibility component in the district network - Development of a modelling approach / Wohngebäude als Flexibilitätsbaustein im Quartiersverbund – Entwicklung eines Modellierungsansatzes. In Monsberger, M., Hopfe, C.J., Krüger, M. & Passer, A. (Eds.). BauSIM 2020, 8th Conference of IBPSA Germany and Austria, 23-25- September 2020, Graz University of Technology, Austria, Proceedings. Graz: Technische Universität Graz, 2020.
ISBN e-book 978-3-85125-786-1
DOI 10.3217/978-3-85125-786-1 (pp. 410-416)
English version added a posteriori in doi:10.14459/2020md1584925
Natanian, J.; Auer, T. (2020) Beyond Nearly Zero Energy Urban Design: A Holistic Microclimatic Energy and Environmental Quality Evaluation Workflow. Sustainable Cities and Society, 56, 102094
Lauss, L.; Heißler, M.; Auer, T.; Mehnert, J.; Reiß, D.; Stüber, S. (2020) Forschungsprojekt „Big Data für EnBop“. In Energiewendebauen - Forschungserkenntnisse von der Komponente bis zum Quartier (pp. 143-150), Buchpublikation, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 2020.
ISBN: 978-3-7388-0519-2
Auer, T.; Vohlidka, P.; Zettelmeier, C. (2020) The Right Amount of Technology in School Buildings. Sustainability 2020,12 - Special Issue Advances in Indoor Environmental Quality, Healthiness, and Sustainability of Educational Buildings. doi:10.3390/su12031134
Natanian, J.; Aleksandrowicz, O.; Auer, T. (2019) A parametric approach to optimizing urban form, energy balance and environmental quality: The case of Mediterranean districts. Applied Energy, 254, 113637
Natanian, J.; Maiullari, D.; Yezioro, A.; Auer, T. (2019) Synergetic urban microclimate and energy simulation parametric workflow. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1343, 012006
Alejandro Prieto, Ulrich Knaack, Thomas Auer, Tillmann Klein (2019) COOLFACADE: State-of-the-art review and evaluation of solar cooling technologies on their potential for façade integration. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 101, March 2019, Pages 395-414. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2018.11.015
Nouman, A. S.; Chokhachian, A.; Santucci, D.; Auer, T. (2019) Prototyping of Environmental Kit for Georeferenced Transient Outdoor Comfort Assessment. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 8(2): 76. DOI: 10.3390/ijgi8020076
Santucci, D.; Chokhachian, A.; Lau, K.; Schiavon, S.; Pallubinsky, H.; Auer, T. (2019) Evaluation of psychological and physiological response to transient comfort conditions in Singapore. Proceedings of the 1st international conference on comfort at the extremes: Energy, Economy and Climate.
Auer, T. (2019) Die Decarbonisierung des Bausektors. DBZ Deutsche BauZeitschrift 01|2019, ISSN 0011-4782
Nanz, L.; Rauch, M.; Honermann, T.; Auer, T. (2019) Impacts on the Embodied Energy of Rammed Earth Façades During Production and Construction Stages. JANUARY 17TH 2019 – MUNICH POWERSKIN CONFERENCE | PROCEEDINGS, ISBN 978-9463661256
Endres, M.-E.; Franke, L.; Sen Dong, M.; Neubert, L. (2019) Parameters to Design Low-Tech Strategies. JANUARY 17TH 2019 – MUNICH POWERSKIN CONFERENCE | PROCEEDINGS, ISBN 978-9463661256
Natanian, J., Auer, T. (2018) Balancing urban density, energy performance and environmental quality in the Mediterranean: a typological evaluation based on photovoltaic potential. In "Energy Procedia" Volume 152, October 2018, Pages 1103-1108. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2018.09.133
Chokhachian, A., Perini, K. and Auer, T. (2018) Green Streets to Enhance Outdoor Comfort. Chapter In. Nature Based Strategies for Urban and Building Sustainability. pp. 119 - 129. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-812150-4.00011-2
Auer, T. (2018) Smartes Design statt smarte Technologie. In "Einfach! Smart! Wie heizen und kühlen wir in Zukunft ohne Öl, Gas und Atomstrom?". tri 2018, 12. Internationales Symposium für Energieeffiziente Architektur, Bregenz am Bodensee
de-Borja-Torrejón, M. (2018) Gebäude als intelligenter Baustein im Energiesystem – Lastmanagement-Potenziale von Gebäuden im Kontext der zukünftigen Energieversorgungsstruktur in Deutschland. In „Zukunft Bauen. Digitale Bauwerk. Das Magazin der Forschungsinitiative Zukunft Bau 2018“. ISBN 978-3-87994-222-0. BBSR. Bonn. 2018. S. 63-67
de-Borja-Torrejón, Manuel ; León-Rodríguez, Ángel-Luis ; Auer, Thomas (2017). Current and future demand-side management potential related to the thermal mass of residential buildings in Europe. Background and methodological approach. 1st International Congress on Architecture Doctorates, Sevilla, Spain. DOI: 10.14459/2017md1419713
Chokhachian, A., Santucci, D., Auer, T. (2017) A Human-Centered Approach to Enhance Urban Resilience, Implications and Application to Improve Outdoor Comfort in Dense Urban Spaces. Buildings 2017, 7, 113.
Chokhachian, A., Santucci, D., Auer, T. (2017) Framework for defining a transient outdoor comfort model in dense urban spaces, Processes & Findings. 7th International Conference Architecture and Urbanism - Contemporary research, Prague
Santucci, D., Volpicelli, G., Battisti, A., Auer, T. (2017) Mapping outdoor comfort for increasing environmental quality: a design proposal for Munich’s Viktualienmarkt, in International Conference on Urban Comfort and environmental Quality URBAN-CEQ - Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-88-97752-91-2
Santucci, D., Auer, T., Chokhachian, A. (2017) Impact of environmental quality in outdoor spaces: dependency study between outdoor comfort and people‘s presence, in S.ARCH 2017 I Sustainable Architecture Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-3-9818275-4-5
Santucci, D., Mildenberger, E., Plotnikov, B. (2017) An investigation on the relation between outdoor comfort and people’s mobility: the Elytra Filament Pavilion survey, in PowerSkin Conference Proceedings - ISBN-13: 978-94-92516-29-9
Molter, P., Bonnet, C., Wagner, T., Klein, T.: Autoreactive components in double skin facades. Advanced Building Skins (ABS) Bern, Switzerland, October, 2017
Bratoev, I., Bonnet, C., Chokhachian, A., Schubert, G., Petzold, F., Auer, T. (2017). Designing and Evaluating District heating Networks with Simulation Based Urban Planning. Paper presented at International Conference on Urban Comfort and Environmental Quality, Genova, Italy, ISBN: 978-88-97752-91-2.
Chokhachian, A. , Perini, K., Giulini, S., Auer, T. (2017). Mathematical Generative Approach on Performance Based Urban Form Design. Paper presented at International Conference on Urban Comfort and Environmental Quality, Genova, Italy, ISBN: 978-88-97752-91-2.
Perini, K., Chokhachian, A., Dong, S., & Auer, T. (2017). Modeling and Simulating Urban Outdoor Comfort: Coupling ENVI-Met and TRNSYS by Grasshopper. Energy and Buildings. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.07.061.
Schmid, T.: "Nutzersensibilisierung für die Ressource Strom" in xia Intelligente Architektur 04-06/2017, Alexander Koch GmbH, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, 2017
Chokhachian, A., Perini, K., Dong, S., Auer, T.: "How Material Performance of Building Façade Affect Urban Microclimate" Paper presented at Powerskin 2017, TU München, 2017
Dornmair, R.; Atabay, D.; Sänger, F.; de Borja Torrejón, M.; Maderspacher, J.: "Einfluss von Gebäuden als Wärmespeicher auf das Energiesystem" Veröffentlichung bei der 10. Internationalen Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien, 2017
Endres, E.: "Wie viel Technik braucht das Haus?" in xia Intelligente Architektur 01-03/2017, Alexander Koch GmbH, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, 2017
[Translate to en:] Günthner, W. A.; Freis, J.; Hausladen, G.; Vohlidka, P.: "Energieeffizient und CO2-neutral - Optimierung der Gesamtenergiebilanz von Logistikzentren", Hebezeuge Fördermittel, Modernisierungsfibel 2016, S. 12-14, ISSN 0947-0026, Huss-Medien GmbH, Berlin, 2016
Heissler, K. M.; Franke, L.; Auer, T.; Nemeth, I.: Modeling Low Temperature District Heating Networks for the Utilization of Local Energy Potentials. Bauphysik, 38. Jahrgang, Heft 6, ISSN 0171-5445, Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, 2016.
de Borja Torrejón, M.; Atabay, D.; Dornmair, R.; Maderspacher, J.; Sänger, F.: "Gebäude als intelligenter Baustein im Energiesystem" in xia Intelligente Architektur 07-09/2016, Alexander Koch GmbH, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, 2016
Freis J.; Vohlidka P.; Günthner W. A.: "Low-Carbon Warehousing: "Examining Impacts of Building and Intra-Logistics Design Options on Energy Demand and the CO2 Emissions of Logistics Centers" Sustainability, 8 (2016), 448, S. 1-36
Auer, T.: "Überlegungen zur Zukunft von Deutschlands Städten und Regionen" in Spekulationen Transformationen, Lars Müller Publishers ISBN: 978-3- 03778-471-6, 2016
Freis, J.; Vohlidka, P.; Günthner, W. A.: "Energieeffizeint und CO2-neutral: Optimierung der Gesamtenergiebilanz von Logistikzentren" in Hebezeuge Fördermittel, 4 (2016), S. 24-26, ISSN 0017-9442, Huss-Medien GmbH, Berlin, 2016
Auer, T.: "Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung im 21. Jahrhundert“ in Brick 16, Callwey ISBN: 978-7667-2213-3, München, 2016
Santucci, D.: "Intelligent Habitat” in ALPS - Landscape, ecology, architecture, design, urban planning, recycle, theory; n. 8 winter 2016; Editor: Santucci, D. ISBN: 9788898774609, 2016
Santucci, D.: "Einfachheit als Innovation" in xia Intelligente Architektur 01-03/2016, Alexander Koch GmbH, Leinfelden-Echterdingen 2016
Günthner, W. A.; Freis, J.; Hausladen, G.; Vohlidka, P.: CO2-neutrale Logistikzentren in Theorie und Praxis, Der Facility Manager, 22 (2015), 10, S. 48-53, ISSN 0947-0026
Vohlidka, P., Franger-Huhle, G., Sahner, G.: "e% - Energieeffizienter Wohnungsbau Nachuntersuchung und wissenschaftliche Begleitung der Pilotprojekte des Experimentellen Wohnungsbaus", Artikel aus bau intern S. 16-19, Mai/Juni 2015, Gebr. Geiselberger GmbH, Altötting, 2015
Auer, T.: "Klimagerechtes und energieeffizientes Bauen" BDB Jahrbuch 2015 "Bauen - Innovativ und grün", Bund Deutscher Baumeister Architekten und Ingenieure e.V., Berlin 2015
Santucci, D.: "HyperAubing - more with less" xia Intelligente Architektur 04-06/2015, Alexander Koch GmbH, Leinfelden-Echterdingen 2015
Klimke, K., Hausladen, G., Auer, T.: "Potenziale von Gebäuden als Teil des Energiesystems" xia Intelligente Architektur 04-06/2015, Alexander Koch GmbH, Leinfelden-Echterdingen 2015
Günthner, W.A., Freis, J., Hausladen, G., Vohlidka, P.: "CO2-neutrales Logistikzentrum", industrieBAU, 3/2015, FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmBh, Merching, 2015
Santucci, D.: "Energie- und Ressourceneffizienz in der Stadtentwicklung" xia Intelligente Architektur 01-03/2015, Alexander Koch GmbH, Leinfelden-Echterdingen 2015
Santucci, D.: "Einfach Bauen" xia Intelligente Architektur 10-12/2014, Alexander Koch GmbH, Leinfelden-Echterdingen 2015
Günthner, W.A., Freis, J., Vohlidka, P.: "Das CO2-neutrale Logistikzentrum konzipieren - Stellschrauben zur Optimierung der Gesamtenergiebilanz und Senkung von CO2-Emissionen", f+h Fördern + Heben, 10/2014, Vereinigte Fachverlag, Mainz, 2014
Freis, J.; Vohlidka, P.; Günthner, W. A.: "Fördertechnik frisst viel Strom", Lebensmittel Zeitung, 2014
Freis, J., Vohlidka, P.: "Stellschrauben in Logistikgebäuden", LOGISTIK HEUTE, Sonderheft 2014, Huss-Verlag GmbH, München, 2014
Sänger, F., Klimke, K., Jungwirth, J.: „Toolchain zur Bewertung von Regelstrategien im Gebäudebereich“, Fifth German-Austrian IBPSA Conference, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen 2014
Vohlidka, P., Freis, J.: "Das CO2-neutrale Logistikzentrum" xia Intelligente Architektur 07-09/14, Alexander Koch GmbH, Leinfelden-Echterdingen 2014
Drittenpreis, J.: "ClimaDesign studieren an der TUM" xia Intelligente Architektur 04-06/14, Alexander Koch GmbH, Leinfelden-Echterdingen 2014
Klimke, K.: "Wärmeverluste durch Staplerverkehr erfassen" f+h Materialfluss, Warenwirtschaft und Logistik-Management 05/2014, Vereinigte Fachverlage GmbH, Mainz 2014
Schneegans, J., Klimke, K.: "Speicher- und Lastmanagementpotenziale in Gebäuden" xia Intelligente Architektur 01-03/14, Alexander Koch GmbH, Leinfelden-Echterdingen 2014
Klimke, K., Schneegans, J.: "Torsysteme in Industriegebäuden – Einfluss auf den Energiebedarf und Maßnahmen zur Effizienzsteigerung", Industrie- und Gewerbebauten, Februar 2014, Ernst & Sohn Special, Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin 2014
Zadow, O., Lesser, A.: "Entwicklung einer standardisierten Methode der Gebäudebestandsanalyse für die kommunale Energienutzungsplanung" Tagungsband World Sustainable Energy Days 2014, Wels (A)
< 2014
Freis, J., Vohlidka, P., Zadow, O: Verbräuche im Fokus, LOGISTIK HEUTE, Sonderheft 2013, Huss-Verlag GmbH, München, 2013
Freis, J., Vohlidka, P., Zadow, O: Analyse der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Gebäude, Haustechnik und Intralogitik zur Steigerung der Energieeffizient von Logistikzentren, Tagungsband 18. Magdeburger Logistiktage "Sichere und nachhaltige Logistik", Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, München, 2013
Wagner, T., Bonnet, C., Drittenpreis, J., Schmid, T., Vohlidka, P., Zadow, O.: Energy development planning. In Hauser, G., Lützkendorf, T., Eßig, N.: sb13 munich Implementing Sustainability - Barriers and Chances, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, München, 2013
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