TUMorrow Factory
The planned workshop for students in Garching will provide space for creative student projects in the future. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the building is to be constructed predominantly from renewable raw materials and achieve the zero-energy standard. This is to be achieved by reducing the technical equipment to the necessary minimum and installing a photovoltaic system on the roof. The technical building equipment should be 50% of the cost of a similar building and can be changed temporarily or in the long term. The large atrium is lit by skylights. With the help of a daylight simulation, an attempt is being made to provide the most uniform illumination possible and, at the same time, to minimise the summer heat input with an additional thermal simulation.
heat input in summer as low as possible. A variant study is used to simulate different lantern dimensions, skylight orientations and sizes. The simulated energy requirements are also used to draw up the zero-energy balance.